Anybody Hate When a Remaster Releases and They Wipe The Original Version From Existence?


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
With the Upcoming release of Kingdom Hearts on Steam it got me thinking,

It still only Includes the Final Mix re release of Kingdom Hearrs with the additional changes that came with the Hd Remaster. People today have no way to experience the orginal game as the developers had orginally intended (unless they track down an orginal copy on the ps2 or emulate it)

People now incorrectly assume the final mix version is the orginal version, there is a lot of really stupid changes that ruin the orginal game.

They Have added cutscene that shows Riku is in Hollow Bastion which completelyruins the reveal that Riku was actually alive when u see him ahain in traverse town. They have basicallykilled the mystery surroundinghis whereaboutsand spoiled a large chunk of the game. The same with the Riku cutscene meeting micky at the end of the game which again ruins the surprise reveal and many more stupid changes like the heartless recolour and the wooden sword doing no damage in hollow bastion

I also don't like the camera changes, the orginal game was designed around using the Right and left triggers for camera and the second analog stick for the menu. It takes some adjustment but it works a lot better, people just didn't like it because it was different from the standard.

Game preservation is really important to me, therefore I strongly believe you should always be able to experience the original version of a game on whatever platform you prefer, even if the remaster is excellent and renders the original obsolete. I STILL want to be able to access it. I do not care.

There will always be a very personal and minute detail of a game that we individually view as crucial to the experience. So if the new version comes out and it doesn’t quite have that thing, we’d rather play the original. Thus, access to the original should always be present.

These 6 videos below show just how much they changed from the orginal games. I always felt like something was "off" when playing the remasters

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6 Jan 2024
1337 and seven seas enjoyers have archived copies of the originals, at a cost that won't break the bank.