Anyone else more excited for Baldurs Gate 3 than they are Starfield?


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
I have a ps5, Switch, and a 3070, I am looking forward to starfield because i just like these types of open world games and the fuckery of exploration. But man, am I like far more excited for Baldurs Gate 3 as my big open world rpg this fall. I don’t even know when I’ll get around to playing starfield if BG3 really ends up being 150-200 hours for me like Divinity was.

Theres something about a CRPG with that nice turn based strategic combat system where you can find ways to break the game that is just so much more satisfying to me. Baldurs Gate 3 feels like its going to be a entire adventure filled with crazy shit popping off everywhere.


I have a nagging feeling that Starfield is going to end up feeling restrictive with a lot of copy and paste content like Fallout 4. A lot of radiant quest type things where they send you out to investigate something and some enemies spawn and you kill them (by just shooting and grenading them) and collect a mineral or some other resource.

The spaceship fighting looking mini-game-ish. Like it will be tedious and/or boring after the first couple of times you do it. The towns looks like typical bethesda towns with robotic NPC’s.

I’m really hoping their are more RPG elements hidden in the final game that they aren’t really showing. Like more narrative choices that effect the environments and not just some hidden relationship stat with characters. I want to feel like im actually controlling the story and its not just the same shallow stuff they were doing last decade with fallout4 but with a space skin slapped over it
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Well-known member
29 Apr 2023
If Starfield is a 1 on my hype scale, BG3 is a 4 but only because of Split Screen, Divinity 2 split screen was really fun, otherwise I'm not really interested in it, it Also releases close by Armored Core
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John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States
Not much, im a huge Bethesda fanboy, but Starfield and Baldur's Gate 3 will be the only games i will be pre ordering by the end of 2023

Edit: Maybe Lies of P and Lords of the Falle nas well if they turn out good.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Baldurs Gate is basically the RPG on PC… so it will be more hyped than any new IP that doesn’t made a name for itself.

A more reliable comparison should be if you are more hyped for Baldurs Gate 3 or Elden of Scroll 6.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
As someone who loved the first two baldur's gates games (and haven't played BG3 since I don't do early access), bg3 seems a bit intimidating. It feels like a game i'll play but never finish. Starfield is a question mark, could be good could be shit.


25 Mar 2023
Bought BG3 years ago, I'll likely not even pay $10 to play Starfield. Personally I deeply dislike past Bethesda games and it just feels like they got stuck on Morrowind.

Bethesda games are buggy, poorly animated, with bad combat, with unremarkable/forgettable story and all around shallow. The only thing they usually have going for them are size and mod support (and I don't care for mods on pretty much any game).

BG3 is the opposite, deep combat system trying to translate DnD 5E to a computer game, following the most classic cRPG series ever, the demo alone was more entertaining, deeper and more remarkable than all Bethesda games I played combined.
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Deleted member 417

I like Skyrim and look forward to play Starfield, but you're pitting it, in this scenario, against a developer that have made the best 'old school' isometric RPGs since the glory days of BG1 and BG2.

BG3 could not be made by a better dev in this day and age. I'll be looking forward to DoS 3 and DoS: tactics with great anticipation.
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Active member
25 Apr 2023
Already preordered baldur's gate 3 on the PS5. I'll buy starfield many years later when I have a much more powerful pc and when all the bugs are fixed.

I have a rtx 2080 and i5-9600 and I'll do a full revamp when the rtx 6080 is out to enjoy the game at 4k and 200 fps at ultra settings 😂😂
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Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
I'm considering getting BG3, so I guess "a little bit" of interest is still more than 0.

Never played a good Bethesda developed game, or a mediocre one I enjoyed.


Well-known member
Icon Extra
3 Jul 2023
After finially playing the originals this year .. well BG1 + SoD, and BG2 ... absolutely! Dispite looking older - their gameplay loop was as strong as anything I have played in awhile - and the newest installment looks to have a lot of quality of life changes in addition to graphical updates!


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Obviously the fact that BG3 is on PS5 really makes me focus in on it and look for the excitement more....

That disclaimer out of the way, I am really excited to get into the game and create a character I can cause some havoc with. Eager to see what crazy builds can be done. I've heard of some crazy stuff that is pretty much unstoppable in some of their other games.

I haven't played a game from that perspective for quite a while too, so it will be really refreshing.

I really think not launching Starfield on PS5 was the wrong decision cause I just tune out and many will do the same, there are plenty of exciting games on PS5 and I have never been compelled to look over at Xbox for any reason.
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Twitter comments mad as hell

That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock

I saw, there's nearly 100 comments there I think....

How do they get enough time in the day to try and dogpile Mark Kern, watch all the Destin, Hoeg, Dealer, Colt and other videos and protect the reputation of Xbox all day online across all social media? Quite impressive really.
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