Apple has rejected Epic Games' subimission of their own Epic Games Store in IoS

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States

"Fortnite" maker Epic Games said today that Apple was impeding its attempts to set up a games store on iPhones and iPads in Europe, the latest escalation in a bitter feud over the technology giant's control of the iOS app ecosystem.

Apple has twice rejected documents it submitted to launch the Epic Games Store because the design of certain buttons and labels was similar to those used by its App Store, the video-game publisher said.

"We are using the same "Install" and "In-app purchases" naming conventions that are used across popular app stores on multiple platforms, and are following standard conventions for buttons in iOS apps," Epic said in a series of posts on X.


Active member
29 May 2024
Here in the EU, Apple will have to accept it as an alternative. They can reject all they want but it'll come to IOS devices here.
Similarities or not. It's just Apple being a complete tool.

They'll get a good slap on the head from the EU. Mark my words.

Apple needs to be humbled.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Actually there is two sides here...

- One will say to the other not followed the standards.
- Other will say that they followed everything.

Maybe the truth is a mix of both... maybe needs a 3rd-party to see what is happening.
In any case Apple has the standards listed when Epic signed the developer account so if they have anything not following that standard Apple have the right to not allow it to enter in App Store.

As Epic gone court against Apple I believe Apple will look in everything... so any minor / non-issue will be enough to not allow it.
Epic will have to follow strictly the standards.

I will say again... Epic created these issues for themselves.
Maybe with others companies companies Apple should not be so strict with the standards.


14 Aug 2022
Here in the EU, Apple will have to accept it as an alternative. They can reject all they want but it'll come to IOS devices here.
Similarities or not. It's just Apple being a complete tool.

They'll get a good slap on the head from the EU. Mark my words.

Apple needs to be humbled.
who gaf about eu, apple and epic are american companies. Epic agreed to terms of use with apple then turn around and violated that tou. Apple have all the right to ban epic for life on ios.


Icon Extra
22 Jan 2023
I still can’t believe Apple was forced to allow squatters on its property: no rent, no chipping in to maintain the infrastructure, just leech of someone else’s success.
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27 Jun 2023
Apple understands the power of having a piece of hardware & owning that platform, owning its storefront & having an ecosystem & consumer base that are premium spenders.

Xbox & PS don’t understand this nor value this power. Nintendo, Valve/Steam & Meta/Quest in the other hand value this power.
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27 Jun 2023
I am cheering for Apple on this one, the euros need to be humbled and epig is just epig. 90% of apple users buy it for the closed ecosystem no one wants Tim Sweeney's additional BS on their phones
Imagine a world where you have a bunch of storefronts on iOS & due to this consolidating publisher for exclusive content/ip will be even more rampant as you’ll be able to make your storefront have exclusive content & get 100% no longer sharing a split. Funneling people to your storefront on mobile is likely easier then in the case of PC. This would also bleed to console/hybrid handhelds & maybe onto other hardware/form of storefront


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Isn’t the PS Store already on iOS via the PS App? What’s the difference here?
The apps you sold in PS Store are for PS5 not Apple devices.
Epic wants a store to sell apps to iOS.

PS Store enters in the same category of Amazon and others stores… they sell external things that Apple allowed it.
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