As more developers confirm, it looks likely that ALL Adult Swim Games titles will be removed by May

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States

As the week has gone on we’ve seen even more developers come out and confirm that they too were contacted by Warner Bros. Discovery — the parent company behind Adult Swim Games — and informed that their titles would be delisted “within 60 days”. The latest developer to break the news is Team2Bit, makers of Fist Puncher which has been on Steam since 2013.

In an update on the game’s page Matt Kain reveals that, “we’ve asked that Warner Bros. simply transfer the game to our Steam publisher account so that it can stay active, but so far they have said no with the reason being that they made the universal decision not to transfer the games back to the original studios and do not have the resources to do so”.

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21 Jun 2022
What a retarded move. If they aren't interested anymore in this label, they should rebrand it and sell it to some other publisher even if for $1 to keep them alive.

Summer Nightmares

Icon Extra
12 Jan 2023
They have to be the most stupid company in the world.


They had the most succesful single player game last year with Hogwarts Legacy and now Suicide Squad is already at 50% off after like a month so the obvious response is: "single player games are too risky, we are going to focus on gaas and mobile... oh and we are going to delist a bunch of games"


2 May 2023
They're a business and they own the IP so I guess it's right and good that they make the decision that's right for them. I can't think of any social principles that might count for more than the total authority of a corporation and its sacrosanct IP ownership.