True. The game offers hours and hours of varied gameplay, even after the story ends. The shooting mechanics are amazing for an Asobi game. This might be the best game Asobi ever made. Also, the least buggiest Asobi game.People may laugh, but I've heard that Astrobot really gets good after the 12 hour mark. Some people even say that the real game doesn't begin until NG+
Jimbo just jacked the prices up, fuck emNo better time to get a PlayStation than now. With Astrobot being a smash hit and Spiderman 2 in the horizon, the future looks bright for the brand. It's a great time to be a PlayStation gamer.
Don't forget that PlayStation also has the best user rated console exclusive of last week: Starf... I mean Goodbye Volcano High .No better time to get a PlayStation than now. With Astrobot being a smash hit and Spiderman 2 in the horizon, the future looks bright for the brand. It's a great time to be a PlayStation gamer.
It's the playstation equivalent of super mario it's great even better in VR if you don't get motion sickness
This is such a great little game though. If you’ve somehow slept on it despite having it, make some room in your schedule. It’s full of legit great gameplay, and tons of gaming memberberries throughout the years.
For any new PS5 gamers, it’s absolutely worth playing first alongside another game, for how well it uses all the controller and system features.
I think it's better than MarioSuprisingly its my favourite Sony game this gen so far. Severely underrated.
Absolute gem of a game which deserves to be mentioned alongside the best platformers this generation like Mario Odyssey.