Bend Studio on their new IP: "We cooking


21 Jun 2022
Wet Hot American Summer Cooking GIF by NETFLIX

I hope most of PlayStation Studios will reveal what they have been working on this year. It has been a long time already.
Won't happen because if they do this then they'd be the next like 5-7 years without announcing a single game.

I think that as usual this years they'll announce games planned to be released in the next year and a half or two, focusing on showing the ones planned to be released this year.

As an example, the teams in Guerrilla who worked on HFW, CoM, Forbidden shores are starting on their next thing, pretty likely Horizon 3. Guerrilla is also working on a MP game, we don't know if it's the same being developed at NC Soft or not. They may show that MP title, but may be too soon because the Guerrilla director was hired in 2018 but NC started to work in their Horizon game in 2021 so pretty likely won't show it soon.

Insomniac released recently Spider-Man 2 and Ratchet, so these teams won't show anything. They may show something about Wolverine.

SSM recently released GoWR and Valhalla, so these teams are staring the next GoW. It isn't confirmed if they are working on a Cory Barlog new IP, but if it exists they may show it this year.

Sucker Punch, ND, Team Asobi, Housemarque released their previous new games in 2020/2021. Only Team Asobi may be ready to show their next game if it's small, but it's supposed to be bigger this time than the Astro games.

Polyphony released GT7 in 2022 and GT7VR in 2023, other than GT7 game updates won't be ready to announce anything this year.

Since DG release Bend released post launch content, a PC port and was supporting ND in TLOU Online and an Uncharted game until in 2021 their new IP got greenlighted. In 2-3 years won't be ready to be shown.

London Studio's previous game was released in 2019, and they could have been working on their current new IP before that. They may show it in 2024.
Last edited:
24 Jun 2022
BTW is it normal in English to suprime the "are"?

I mean I read the "We cooking" as "We are cooking", no?
"We cooking" seems like some aboriginal learning a new language :D
Or Yoda way of talking.

It's American slang. So those not from America would probably be confused, initially.