Bungie is working on ‘a number of unannounced projects’ with Sony

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States

Bungie creative lead Tom Farnsworth has said the studio is working on a number of unannounced projects with parent company Sony.

Farnsworth said in a Twitter post that the studio has “completely changed” how it develop games and does business over the course of 25-plus Destiny content releases, “moving from strictly boxed products to live service games”.

And with the support of Sony we are working on a number of unannounced projects too.”

In addition to its ongoing work on Destiny 2, Bungie said in February 2021 that it planned to bring at least one new IP to market before 2025.

And last June the studio was acquired by PlayStation maker Sony for $3.6 billion.

Prior to the deal’s completion, Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida said the acquisition of Halo creator Bungie was partly motivated by a desire for PlayStation to become more of a multiplatform business.
“We believe it will be a catalyst to enhance our live game services capabilities,” he said. “Our acquisition of Bungie also represents a major step forward in becoming more multiplatform.”


21 Jun 2022
Yes, Bungie said while ago that they want to releaset at lease one new IP before 2025, which means that they are working on at least 2 new IPs in addition to the remaining Destiny 2 content. They also had a deal with Netease so pretty likely have a mobile game in the works, I assume using the Destiny license, and they also working on (these is one of the reasons of why they sold to Sony) movie/tv adaptations of the Bungie IPs.

And yes, Sony owns the 100% of Bungie so everything Bungie is doing is with Sony and with their support.
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9 Dec 2022

Bungie creative lead Tom Farnsworth has said the studio is working on a number of unannounced projects with parent company Sony.

And with the support of Sony we are working on a number of unannounced projects too.”

In addition to its ongoing work on Destiny 2, Bungie said in February 2021 that it planned to bring at least one new IP to market before 2025.

And last June the studio was acquired by PlayStation maker Sony for $3.6 billion.

Prior to the deal’s completion, Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida said the acquisition of Halo creator Bungie was partly motivated by a desire for PlayStation to become more of a multiplatform business.
“Marathon“ fps) and a 3rd person action game which could be “Matter”. But there were rumors they were working in a hero shooter several years ago or a fantasy rpg.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
At least one of these projects will be a cross-media project like a TV show or movie. Actually, Destiny might make for a good anime. After cyberpunk edgerunners I think the market is open to that kind of adaptation


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
All Bungie has always needed was a dependable bag to back them up. That was true with MS, true with Activision and should be true with Sony. I trust they will deliver.
2 Jul 2022
This has been known for a while now. They copyrighted “Matter” years ago. There were rumors in 2022 of a Marathon reboot of some kind. And there are also rumors of an ARPG (If that’s not Matter) and a competitive game set in the Destiny universe which may or may not be the hero shooter that they are supposedly working on. My guess is Matter is the hero shooter.
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Deleted member 417

I'd like to see Bungie take on a more single player focused open world RPG like Elder Scrolls, Kingdom Come Deliverence etc. Like Destiny but less looter shooter and more VR
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
This has been known for a while now. They copyrighted “Matter” years ago. There were rumors in 2022 of a Marathon reboot of some kind. And there are also rumors of an ARPG (If that’s not Matter) and a competitive game set in the Destiny universe which may or may not be the hero shooter that they are supposedly working on. My guess is Matter is the hero shooter.

Hero shooter is fake news. Not even sure Marathon and Matter are different games.

Latest new piece of information is that they’re making a 3rd person fantasy action game using destiny 2 engine.

Other piece of information is them hiring the lead director of Valorant (who jumped ship from Riot to Bungie with 7 other dudes from that team). For what game? Who knows.

These are all job listing assumptions of course as they are doing a shitton of hiring…

PS - HERO SHOOTERS FUCKING SUCK. Glad they’re not chasing that dead trend.
Last edited:


21 Jun 2022
“Marathon“ fps) and a 3rd person action game which could be “Matter”. But there were rumors they were working in a hero shooter several years ago or a fantasy rpg.
Notice that "AT LEAST ONE new IP" means that they are developing 2 or more NEW IPs in addition to Destiny.

So if they are really working on Marathon then it would mean they are working on at least 3 games in additon to Destiny and the cinema/tv adaptations. I'd say 4 games at the same time sounds too big for them, but something possible.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Yea technically Marathon isn’t a “new” IP. But it’s being reinvented into a kid friendly extraction shooter.

The lighthearted, brightly colored game that was assumed to be Matter… well Marathon was described to look like that as well. So I’m not even sure they are different games. I kinda think they are indeed one and the same.

Or maybe not. The extraction game originally started as pvpve concepts for what was once Activision’s Destiny 3. So I just think it’s an idea left on the table that they ran with.

Someone actually leak this stuff already :mad:


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Bungie said they wouldn’t do exclusive content many years ago. They’ve kept their word on that for a few years now.

They’re definitely giving off the impression that they’re operating on their own and will continue to be a multi platform studio. So that means I would expect Destiny on a Nintendo platform in some form as well.

However, SIE owns them and probably controls all the money.

It fits their design philosophy to consistently seek to increase the amount of devices you can play their games on. And as far as making money is concerned; if they’re all online multiplayer games — it kinda also needs to be this way.

Whether they do exclusive single player projects tho? That’s possible. But are they even doing that anymore? You can’t assume every job hiring listed is going to 100% turn into an actual product that sees release.

Destiny leaks are very common. Always have been. On a yearly basis there’s some sort of massive Bungie leak. I’m a bit of a conspiracy theorist here but at this point I think most of those are by design for cheap marketing to hardcore players (and it works).

So with that said, I’m kinda shocked there hasn’t been a legit leak. Not art. Not a screenshot. Matter itself seems to have been worked on for half a decade already in some form. And then there’s Destiny Mobile co-developed w/ NetEase. What’s up with that? Will it just drop on some random day outta nowhere? Also been in development for what’s said to be 3-4 years.
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8 Jan 2023
I have Destiny 1 and 2, but none of the expansions. Now, I wouldn't even know how to enter the game. My partner and I were taking about giving it a go, but bounced off after hearing Skillups review.

I hope they take notice of FFXIV in regards to sunsetting/introducing newbies.

It shall be interesting to see what Bungie come up with. I hope the lore cqn be more integrated, whatever it is. If you need to go to a separate site, that's too much work. Maybe release a book, if you want to half arse story telling.

Edit: also, a Planetside/Tribes(with skiing) with Destiny gunplay would be awesome sauce.


4 Jul 2022
Bungie it's time for another Single Player IP with an iconic character again. You can juggle that and Destiny. The SP game should be PS exclusive of course.