Concord’s all six game modes detailed & Editions.


28 Jun 2022
•Trophy Hunt: Work as a team to find and collect items from defeated rival crews. The crew with the most points wins. [Kill Confirmed?]

•Clash: Earn points each round by eliminating rival Freegunners with your crew. The crew with the most points wins the game. [Team Deathmatch]

•Zone Control: Capture and control three zones of the map. You earn points based on the number of zones your team controls: the more you have, the closer your crew will be to victory. [Domination]

•Contact: Team up to find and secure the designated area on the map, or defeat the rival crew before they complete the task. [Search & Destroy?]

•On Signal: Work together to find and control new zones on the map before time runs out. The team with the most points will win the match.[Hardpoint/King of the Hill?]

•Cargo Rush: Team up to protect valuable cargo during extraction, or intercept and shoot down a rival crew to win. [Escort from OW?]

Source: PS Store

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