Dragon Age Dreadwolf Gameplay Leaked

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States

  • Combat is completely in real-time and similar to a hack and slash. I'm told the guiding reference point was the God of War (2018), and that shows.
  • Player has their regular combo attack and then their abilities as well as a special bar which generates allowing you to pull off a special move. I don't really understand the comparison to FF15's wheel. It's standard Dragon Age ability wheel.
  • There was no party control demonstrated. I think it's a safe bet to say you will not be able to directly control your party members in the game. That said, you likely will be able to tell them to execute certain abilities. But apparently that was locked off in the Alpha.
  • The most immediate thing you noticed is that animation quality has DRASTICALLY improved. Like, for any other AAA title it's probably not that big a deal. But we've never seen animation quality this good in any BioWare game. I didn't actually play it, but I can tell it probably feels really good to control your character. No more stiff animations, it's all very fluid and seems also very responsive.
  • Jumping has also been retained. So, rejoice if you enjoyed jumping a lot in DAI.
  • As the character was a sword and shield dude, he was able to parry attacks from enemies and follow up with counters. It's hard to tell their exact abilities, they only had two on hotkeys along with a special. But one appears to basically be a drop kick and the other a charged sword attack. I'm not sure exactly what the special attack does.
  • The UI is similar to DAI, but this is also Alpha and UI is the last thing finalized in any game. Character has a chest slot, a helmet slot, a primary weapon slot, and a shield (secondary weapon?) slot. For accessories, one amulet slot, one belt slot, and two ring slots.
  • Oh and the player character's hair looked glorious. I mean, it was clipping right through their helmet. But it was flowing and bouncing as they moved. Finally, no more stiff ass hair. Now, let's hope we have more than just two black hairstyles.
  • Enemies were pretty much just variations of darkspawn, except the dragon, but again they seemed to have Red Lyrium powers.

Video and Screenshots:

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Deleted member 417

  • Combat is completely in real-time and similar to a hack and slash. I'm told the guiding reference point was the God of War (2018), and that shows.

  • Player has their regular combo attack and then their abilities as well as a special bar which generates allowing you to pull off a special move. I don't really understand the comparison to FF15's wheel. It's standard Dragon Age ability wheel.

  • There was no party control demonstrated. I think it's a safe bet to say you will not be able to directly control your party members in the game. That said, you likely will be able to tell them to execute certain abilities. But apparently that was locked off in the Alpha.
Absolute bollocks in an RPG

  • The most immediate thing you noticed is that animation quality has DRASTICALLY improved. Like, for any other AAA title it's probably not that big a deal. But we've never seen animation quality this good in any BioWare game. I didn't actually play it, but I can tell it probably feels really good to control your character. No more stiff animations, it's all very fluid and seems also very responsive.
Don't care. Make a good game with good rules before you make it pretty
  • Jumping has also been retained. So, rejoice if you enjoyed jumping a lot in DAI.
Pointless and lazy way for devs to work around not play testing a game
  • As the character was a sword and shield dude, he was able to parry attacks from enemies and follow up with counters. It's hard to tell their exact abilities, they only had two on hotkeys along with a special. But one appears to basically be a drop kick and the other a charged sword attack. I'm not sure exactly what the special attack does.
If it's real time it can go fuck itself

  • The UI is similar to DAI, but this is also Alpha and UI is the last thing finalized in any game. Character has a chest slot, a helmet slot, a primary weapon slot, and a shield (secondary weapon?) slot. For accessories, one amulet slot, one belt slot, and two ring slots.

Standard fare
  • Oh and the player character's hair looked glorious. I mean, it was clipping right through their helmet. But it was flowing and bouncing as they moved. Finally, no more stiff ass hair. Now, let's hope we have more than just two black hairstyles.

Don't care. It's a fantasy rpg not a fucking l'oreal advert
  • Enemies were pretty much just variations of darkspawn, except the dragon, but again they seemed to have Red Lyrium powers.
Wait and see.

Overall it sounds terrible so far. Real time combat is an instant avoid for me, especially in a series that used to be more focused around turn based combat and strategy. Hack and Slash sounds like DA will once again be nerfed for the normies to be able to play.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Cautiously optimistic. Sorta but not really…

I honestly did not enjoy my time with Inquisition. Didn’t hate either Andromeda or Anthem tho. They were just meh.

I consider this a new BioWare altogether at this point now. Now it’s just a name. I’ll keep an open mind. I miss playing western rpgs that aren’t just Bethesda clones.


Pure single player is great and being real time combat makes it even greater for me. Looking forward to seeing the actual gameplay trailer when the time comes.

Deleted member 417

Am I the only one who hates the real time combat? I wish games would return to turn based combat.

Every year that passes the hobby falls further and further away from what I knew and loved.
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Am I the only one who hates the real time combat? I wish games would return to turn based combat.

Every year that passes the hobby falls further and further away from what I knew and loved.

Like Kotor? I mean that kinda sucked? Never thought the strength of these games were the gameplay. Just the novelty of the choose your own adventure gimmick.

Deleted member 417

Like Kotor? I mean that kinda sucked? Never thought the strength of these games were the gameplay. Just the novelty of the choose your own adventure gimmick.
I loved kotor, jade empire, Mass effect and the original dragon age games. Inquisition was a bit crap in some places but it deserves respect for the content and care that went into the game. The acting, voice lines and sheer scale of the game was impressive.

Turning everything into a souls game is not where innovation comes from. Look at what happened to the FPS genre when they all tried chasing the COD crowd.

i really wouldn't want to be a WRPG in a post-elden ring world.

dead genre.
It's not a dead genre. As I said above, when all companies chase the 'hot game' it ruins those games. Elden ring and the souls sub genre sold well because it was a souls game.

Dragon age isn't a souls game and shouldn't try and emulate that.

However, I will concede that if they move Dragon age towards combat similar to Dragons Dogma then that could work. Mainly because Dragons Dogma also nailed the character variation pretty well. Playing as an assassin was different from playing a mage or archer.
If Dragon Age wants to remove companion actions then Dragons Dogma would be the game to lend ideas from.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Doesn’t look like Elden ring. Looks like a jank ‘n slash.

Andromeda was the best “playing” Mass effect. But… I dunno was just boring, phoned in and completely forgettable.

Old BioWare doesn’t exist anymore. This is sorta a fresh slate.
  • they're_right_you_know
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