Dusk Golem: The “unannounced” Capcom title is not related to RE or DD2, and it will be revealed in 2023. No RE Remakes in 2024


28 Jun 2022
Dusk Golem: Capcom still has another big game to be announced in 2023 (not related to DD2). No RE Remakes in 2024

This was on The Snitch server. Also the announced game is unrelated from DD2 being the Q1 2024 game.


This is about the 4chan Code Veronica rumor



And no RE Remakes in 2024


21 Jun 2022
Capcom said some time ago that they have a big unnanounced game for this FY.

Capcom also mentioned that in 2024 Monster Hunter becomes 20 years old so they'll have related celebrations.

In the leaked Capcom schedule appeared the codenamed Monster Hunter 6 (meaning, World 2) listed for 2024. So if the game didn't have a lot covid delay since the schedule was leaked (early 2020), it would be released in 2024, and if not early 2025.

This means it could be announced in the Game Awards, in the next State of Play, or in a MH Anniversary Capcom event, etc.


Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
Just passing the info along that’s been going around, apparently there was a Code Veronica Remake leak. (Photo is fan made read the text)

You guys think it’s legit? If it is, the game sounds really promising so far.

Personally I don’t really want anymore remakes, I’d rather have a new entry or 3rd Outbreak game but I’m all for a CV remake before RE5 if they’re gonna keep doing them just so we get more time with Wesker again lol.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Last one worth remaking tbh. Not the biggest fan even tho I bought a Dreamcast for it. I do like it but eh it’s a bit too long for it’s own good.

would be fitting tho… having REmake fatigue come rollin in with Code Veronica the same way CV ushered in classic RE fatigue before RE4 saved the series.

They’re probably gonna do 5 tho… it sold too well for them not to do so even if it is forgettable and mid.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
The only games worth remaking now are Code Veronica and Dino Crisis. Unfortunately, I don't think they will ever remake either of them. And no, that rumour is from 4chan.
  • thisistheway
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28 Jun 2022
Did we find out what this was? In lieu of the other Dusk Golem leak?


21 Jun 2022
Did we find out what this was? In lieu of the other Dusk Golem leak?
It was just another lie, like everything he said about Street Fighter 5, Street Fighter 6 and Yoshinori Ono.

And as can be seen in the leaked Capcom schedule, back in early 2020 Capcom didn't plan to release any Dino Crisis or Resident Evil game during 2023, 2024 or early 2025 (not counting covid delays) after RE4R.

Before RE4R, during its same fiscal year they had scheduled the codenamed Biohazard Outrage (mistranslated by the Ragnar Locker hacker who leaked it as Biohazard Outbreak), which ended being RE Village Gold + the girl DLC.

After RE4R they had planned to release around a year after the codenamed Biohazard Apocalypse (according to Dusk Gollem RE9), but it's going to be instead the PSVR2 version of RE4R + RE4R DLC.

Then to be released around a year after RE4R PSVR2 version + RE4R DLC, Capcom has something codenamed Biohazard Hunk, which can be anything. From the PC port of RE4R/Village PSVR2 + Mercenaries, to RE9 to some remaster or remake. Or who knows, even more DLC for RE4R/Village or a mobile game or some RE Switch 2 port.

Capcom will have a super packed 2024 with Dragon's Dogma 2, Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess (which was codenamed as "Onimusha new work"), Pragmata (which was codenamed as "Regolith"), RE4R DLC + PSVR2 version, Street Fighter 6 DLC and Exoprimal DLC. They are too busy to also have a RE9 or another remake there.

For 2025 and later they have planned Monster Hunter Wilds, "Shield G" (Exoprimal relaunch with extra content, like the G versions of MH), "Super Street Fighter 6" (it's a codename for SF6 bundled with DLC), a couple new IPs more, "Captain Commando" (could be a codename for some big SF6 expansion), Power Stone Remake, Final Fight Remake (could be a codename for some big SF6 expansion) and "Ultra SF6" (again, it's a codename for a SF6 relaunch bundled with DLC) plus the mentioned ".
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21 Jun 2022
He said it was unannounced as in a new game. We’ve known about pragmata for 3yrs.
Hopefully it's Pragmata
Capcom was refering to Dragon's Dogma 2, which back then still didn't have an announced release date. Dusk Gollem was lying here again, there's no unannounced Capcom game going to be released in 2024.

Next games to be announced for 2025 or later, if Capcom continues with the plans they had early 2020 (pre-covid) will be (excluding Exoprimal and SF6 refurbished editions) Captain Commando, two new IPs, Final Fight and Power Stone remakes.
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