Foamstars releases to negative player reception

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States

Foamstars: What are early players saying?


Overall, it’s been a bit of a mixed bag for Foamstars.

Some people are having fun with it, others not - largely owing to them not being the intended audience or not jiving with the gameplay mechanics. A fear shared by almost everyone is a concern over the longevity of Foamstars, due to the saturated live service games market.
But ultimately, the choice is yours - and it’s free on PS Plus for February, so you may as well take Foamstars for a whirl to see for yourself. With all that, let’s get to those impressions and reviews.

Steven V Santos for Game8 wrote:

"Overall, Foamstars fails to show its players a good time. It gets too chaotic and is a shooter where getting kills doesn’t feel anywhere near as gratifying compared to other titles." He gives it an overall score of 62/100.

Jerry Plays said in his YouTube review:

"Foamstars presents an intriguing concept with its foam-based gameplay and promises of a dynamic team-orientated experience."

He continued,

"Teamwork enthusiasts might find a satisfying home in the foam-covered battlegrounds," and added, "Foamstars brings a fresh approach to the arena shooter genre."

But he warned that "the crowded market and the challenge of standing out amongst gaming giants might hinder Foamstars' long-term success".

Backloggd user danieladultman shared their thoughts and said:

"I don't think it's necessarily bad, I just don't think I'm the target audience at all. Certain elements about it seem pretty polished. The gameplay ranges from alright to kinda frustrating depending on which character you play with."

Their account shows their played games typically being more adult in themes, so if you have similar tastes, you might not find satisfaction in Foamstars either. Simon Cardy of IGN was far more positive, and they were "pleasantly surprised at just how much fun I was having after four hours of hands-on time", believing that you shouldn't write it off as a Splatoon clone. Cardy said they particularly had a lot of fun with the Rubber Duck Party and Smash the Star game modes, though they fear Foamstars may be short-lived owing to the "recent fate many live service games have met".

Eric Switzer for The Gamer echoed the same sentiments held by Cardy and Jerry Plays, saying,

"I have a lot of doubts about Foamstars' ability to compete in the live service team-based shooter space," despite the fact that they "had a blast playing it".

This was due to the fact they were playing in the same room as other games journalists at a preview event, but for everyone else playing it, they feared the "game is going to get lost in the sea of established online shooters immediately".

Mishelam, also posting on Backloggd, wasn’t impressed by Foamstars, saying:

"It's fun for like 20 minutes, but the game just feels kind of empty after that."


Text via RadioTimes


Well-known member
2 Feb 2024
and it’s free on PS Plus for February
the fact the game isn't free in the first place is something that is so weird to me considering it's live service nature, if this game also had MTX, I can only imagine how long it'll last due to that factor alone.

This is not the kind of prices that gets you a lot of goodwill with your GaaS games
OH MY GOD, Yeah, this game isn't going to last long with prices like that on top of the $29.99 USD it already costs. That MTX pricing is insane.


27 Jun 2023
It’s casual fun but for some reason the devs decided to make maps w the same theme & parallel map layout.

Also the MTX are insane bundles in games like Fortnite or any other live service game is 20$ maybe 30$ max in FoamStars bundles are 45$ they should be 20$.

Overall I feel this game won’t last long due to the lack of maps & modes there’s only 2 modes & like 5 maps & all of the maps have the same theme & parallel layout gameplay feels samey due to this. I feel like it could’ve been big in Asia but the lack of content & over price mtx wont keep me long
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Snes nes

4 Aug 2023
Idk I don't really care for splatoon a whole bunch but couldn't square have come up with something more original than this lol.
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Admin | Mod
21 Jun 2022
@TubzGaming is playing it atm, whats your take on it?
I was playing it for a few hours and to be honest its not as bad as some let on i enjoyed my time playing it and will most likely play it again in the future.
It plays almost the same as splatoon but the "Ink" Foam covers not only the ground but it also gains height and with that make ramps and cover.
For a Free PS+ game i don't see why anyone would complain, are the MTX a little high? Yeah but the battle pass is like $6.00(?) so that's cheaper then most.
Would i buy it? most likely not but i see that it could gain a lot of traction if not in the west then the east.
Overall for what it is - a PvP / PvE cartoon-ish shooter id give it a 7/10 which in my opinion aint bad at all.
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May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
It’s casual fun but for some reason the devs decided to make maps w the same theme & parallel map layout.

Also the MTX are insane bundles in games like Fortnite or any other live service game is 20$ maybe 30$ max in FoamStars bundles are 45$ they should be 20$.

Overall I feel this game won’t last long due to the lack of maps & modes there’s only 2 modes & like 5 maps & all of the maps have the same theme & parallel layout gameplay feels samey due to this. I feel like it could’ve been big in Asia but the lack of content & over price mtx wont keep me long

Its a fun game but I don't feel like this will be supported beyond a year, Toylogic the developer behind this was not a good choice


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Game is fun. I was hoping they would have tweaked how busy on screen and get but it's a fun little game.

I don't see it having much staying power unfortunately.


22 Jun 2022
Was watching my son play it earlier today.

Couldn’t tell what was going on. There’s simply too much happening.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Square Enix just doesn't understand the space at all.
It's been clear with games like this, Chocobo GP and probably some other games I'm forgetting about.
They need a shakeup at that company. The management has been bad for a hot minute. And I know they just got a new CEO