Former Bungie Lawyer Praises Sony’s “Discipline” For Making Bungie Focus On Business, New Player Acquisition


22 Feb 2023
Former Bungie chief legal officer Don McGowan credits Sony’s discipline for pushing Bungie to focus on new player acquisition and running Destiny 2 like a business, shedding light on behind-the-scenes changes at the studio.

Destiny 2 has seen a whirlwind of changes recently, and according to former Bungie chief legal officer Don McGowan, much of that is thanks to Sony’s influence.

In a new post on LinkedIn, McGowan didn’t hold back his thoughts, saying that Sony has pushed Bungie to make much-needed adjustments to how it handles its flagship game, Destiny 2.

McGowan acknowledged that while recent layoffs are not part of the praise, Sony “inflicting some discipline” on Bungie brought exactly what was needed. “Much though it pains me to say this, it appears that Sony’s inflicting some discipline on my former colleagues may have forced them to fix the things that were wrong with their game,” said McGowan in a post on LinkedIn.

“To be clear: I’m not talking about the layoffs, I’m talking about forcing them to get their heads out of their asses and focus on things like: implementing a method of new player acquisition; not just doing fan service for the fans in the Bungie C-suite; and running the game like a business. Good. I still have friends in that environment and I’d like them to keep jobs.”



Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Read this yesterday but optimism doesn’t generate as much attention.

I mean… this is what I’ve been saying since the sale. Kinda… Sony is the partner to right the ship.

Sony also has Bungie going even harder into Destiny 2. The language was there over and over again but everyone ignored it to pretend like d3 ever existed or they were moving off to Marathon. Nope.

And the new direction is something I’m hugely optimistic about being fatigued with the format in particular these last 3-4 years. Tyson Green being Halo 3’a PvP lead is the most encouraging however.

Numbered sequel talks is semantics. D1 and D2 are the same games. The direction for Frontiers is a bigger change than any number sequel bungie makes whether it’s Destiny or halo .

Payback and Sunspot splitting pve and PvP into hero shooters was the dumbest shit ever. Trash tier Luke Smith idea 100%. Fuck outta here.

And while that wasn’t d3. It kinda was meant to be the next destiny for the next generation. The players tell you want they want. Even Marathon and Destiny will be competing against each other internally. Each game is a business.

Only thing that still sucks is losing Salvatori and the other incredible music talent they had on payroll. The duo or Marty and Salvatori are shoes impossible to fill. Hopefully many of the former d2 music team gets contracted thru Sony instead …. But it’s more than likely Bungie went for younger and cheaper talent.
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