Gundam Breaker 4 - Developer Interview

10 Jan 2024

The freedom of “there is no optimal solution” is what makes Gundam Breaker so unique.​

--When did you start planning and developing this work?

TanakaDevelopment began around 2019. Shortly before we started working on it, the Breaker series was continuing, with changes in form such as Gundam Breaker 3 and New Gundam Breaker. We've received many requests for a numbered sequel to Gundam Breaker, so we've decided to take on the challenge of creating a numbered sequel.

--This work is an evolution from "Gundam Breaker 3", but what parts of "Gundam Breaker 3" did you think about inheriting?

FukukawaThe basic idea of an action game where you customize and create your own Gunpla has been inherited. On top of that, I wanted to expand on speed and the ability to play with various techniques through recombination. In the past series, I felt that there were parts where it was easy to come up with the optimal solution as a result of rearrangement, so I was conscious of allowing users to freely play with the ``I Gunpla'' they envisioned.

Matano : The production staff talked a lot about what makes Gundam Breaker unique. I think the cycle of acquiring parts, replacing them, and taking on missions is what makes Gundam Breaker so unique, so I created this cycle with the hope that people would play with it even more.

For "Ore Gunpla", having an optimal solution to the mission strategy would limit the user's imagination and degree of freedom, so we aimed to create a game that allows everyone to play the "Ore Gunpla" as much as possible. Ta. This one is better in terms of suitability, advantages and disadvantages, but it is designed so that any type of Gunpla can clear it. We are still worrying about the balance aspect of this even now, in the final stages of development.

Tanaka: I'm working hard on that through trial and error. The good thing about it is that you can use the ``Ore Gunpla'' you create to look cool, so I hope everyone will create their own ``Ore Gunpla''.

[Gundam Breaker 4] The pleasure of creating and destroying Gunpla is back!  Three “shinkas” talked about by the developer

The appeal of the ``Gundam Breaker'' series is that you can not only freely assemble the parts you have collected, but also do tasks like painting (changing the coloring), weathering (staining paint), decals (stickers), etc. just like creating real Gunpla. It is one.

Combos, separate left and right weapons...this is what's different about the action of this game.​

――What was the purpose of introducing “combo”, a new element from this work?

TanakaWe introduced the combo because we thought it would be an easy-to-understand indicator that anyone could easily enjoy. “Break Combo”, which increases by defeating enemies continuously, serves as a mission evaluation item. Increasing the number of break combos means that the "I Gunpla" you created will be able to defeat enemies in a cool manner. It creates a sense of exhilaration and fun as an action game, while also contributing to the evaluation of in-game play.

Matano: Previously, the results after completing a mission were given in the form of ``Ace Points,'' indicating that ``this is what you were good at.'' This game also displays the target number of break combos while playing, so you can see in real time whether your play is going well or not. By doing so, I hope to create a wavering in the players' emotions, such as the frustration of losing a combo or the joy of being able to connect at the last minute.

Fukukawa : In this game, the elements of weapon combinations have expanded, such as dual-wielding and dual-wielding, and the player is wondering which combination is best, and whether it is true that they feel like they are doing better with this combination than before. I think it will be more fun to play if it is shown in the evaluation. I think this aspect can also be expressed through the combo system.

Matano : In addition to break combos, hit combos are also displayed. Not only does it feel good to simply increase the number of combos, but it also has meaning in terms of game design. For example, a machine gun, which is a shooting weapon, fires a large number of bullets, so if the bullets are powerful enough, you can clear them all with just that. However, if the power is simply low, you won't want to use it.

As the number of hit combos increases, a buff effect (such as strengthening a character's abilities) will occur. This gives a game meaning to a weapon that has a weak blow but requires a lot of moves. You can strengthen it with a few moves and attack all at once, or you can attack from the beginning with a weapon that moves a little slowly but has a strong blow, and I hope you'll have fun with a variety of weapons and play styles.

Tanaka : While you are playing, the game screen will display whether your current rating is S or B, which increases your game motivation, and during missions, there are mini-results for each wave. Therefore, this time I was able to understand whether this wave went well or not, and how well I was doing.

--You mentioned "weapon combinations" earlier, but in this game you can now assemble your left and right arms separately, and you can also hold left and right weapons separately. Will the action operations be different from before?

FukukawaPreviously , players could only carry one type of weapon, so each button was assigned to a light attack and a strong attack, but in this game, the buttons are assigned to right-handed attacks and left-handed attacks, respectively. Do you start attacking with your right hand, start with your left hand, or switch to your left hand while using your right hand? The attack will also change depending on when you change it.

Also, the weapon that starts attacking Nosaki will become a weak attack. For example, if you start an attack with your right hand and keep hitting it repeatedly, it will become a weak, weak, weak attack, and if you change it to your left hand midway through, it will become a strong attack. The reverse is also true. In this work, the action of dual wielding is not just a weak/strong relationship, but also changes depending on which hand you start using, when you switch attacks to the opposite hand, and when you press the button. This new action game involves thinking about how many times you can attack with the opposite hand after a series of consecutive attacks in order to engulf as many enemies as possible.

Fukugawa: There are new challenges, but the basic sense of fun, such as the feel of the action and the tempo of the combos, hasn't changed significantly. As the number of operations has increased, the characteristics of attacks have become sharper. We have also added distinctive attack methods using weapons, such as the ax's charge attack and the lance's charge. We are increasing the number of elements that combine operations such as long press and continuous press.

Tanaka :Among others, sabers are easy to use and versatile. Contains two types of slashing techniques. For example, if you press and hold the saber attack while holding the stick up, it will be a slash attack, and if you press and hold it, it will be a slash attack. It can be derived and used at any time during a ground combo, so you can use it depending on the situation, such as whether you are surrounded or want to focus on just one enemy.

--Are there any weapons that you can't hold with one hand?

There are also two-handed weapons such as the Tanaka Great Sword. Two-handed weapons have buttons for light attacks and strong attacks. Only one type of weapon can be equipped, but please wait for further information on the characteristics of other weapons.

--You mentioned that the hit combo will give you a buff, but specifically what kind of buff will it give you?

In the case of the Fukugawa hit combo, effects such as increasing attack power and making it easier to remove enemy parts will be added. If the enemy's parts come off, the enemy will not be able to take actions that correspond to those parts, giving you an advantage. Continuous attacks will give you an effect that improves the battle situation.

--Would it be more advantageous to continue attacking rather than evading or defending?

If you receive a Matano attack, parts will come off or your health will drop to zero, so it's better to fight by making full use of evasion and defense. In terms of tips for evasion, in this game, when an enemy tries to attack, a white glowing effect is displayed, so you can avoid the enemy's attack by watching this, then attack again... is recommended.

The opponent's attacks are strong, and they also make attacks that make you flinch, so if you push hard with only attacks, you'll end up getting stuck at some point, such as your combo breaking midway through. It would be better to do things better, such as predicting the enemy's movements to some extent or reselecting the enemy to attack. I place great importance on my Gunpla being active, so I don't think there's anything I can't do to clear the game if I don't do that.

[Gundam Breaker 4] The pleasure of creating and destroying Gunpla is back!  Three “shinkas” talked about by the developer

One of the weapon types, the ``whip,'' cannot be used for attacks that require a lot of effort, but it has a wide attack range. In combination with other weapons, players are asked how to utilize this for combos.
Tanaka parts can be obtained by defeating enemies in missions, obtained as mission rewards, purchased at shops, etc. Therefore, it is possible in this game to aim to increase the number of parts acquired by equipping a weapon that makes it easy to get parts out.

In Matanomoto 's work, we wanted to create more opportunities to customize "I Gunpla", so we set the play time per mission to be a little shorter. The number of parts that can be obtained per mission may be less than before, but the play time per mission is also relatively short, so you can collect parts more quickly. I thought, ``Let's try some missions today,'' and I played, collected parts, and customized...

It's easier to get Tanaka parts when you go to get them. You can challenge missions where you can get the parts you want, such as ``I want parts for Freedom Gundam, so let's go to this mission where this enemy appears.'' The playing time for one mission is not that long, so I think you can finish it quickly compared to the previous game. By switching the missions you play, it becomes easier to collect various types of parts.

--In this game, even if you have multiple "options" equipped, using one type of OP (optional) skill will cause a cooldown time for all OP skills. What is the aim?

Tanaka : The left and right arms and weapons can now be equipped with separate parts, and the number of parts that can be customized has increased, making it easier to set skills. This goes along with the idea that we want you to enjoy customizing your Gunpla in various ways, but we have adopted a common cooldown for OP skills so that parts with strong OP skills do not become stronger.

There are OP skills that don't have very high attack power but have a short cooldown and are easy to use, while others are powerful but have a long cooldown and require careful consideration when using them. I think it can create a wave in the players' emotions, depending on which skill to use and when to use it.

The new element “Diorama” mode can also be used to communicate with other players​

--Please tell us about the diorama mode, which seems to be a major new element in this work.

Matano : I think there are many ways in which the series can evolve, but the Gundam Breaker series is the only one among the Gundam games that has a gunpla theme. I decided to create a mode. In this mode, you select a background, Gundam model, pose, add effects if necessary, take a photo, and share it.

Of course, you can also place your own Gunpla that you created, as well as existing Gunpla that you purchased from the shop. If you think, ``I want to put a Justice Gundam there,'' you can just buy it at a shop and put it there without having to go to the trouble of putting it together yourself. Diorama mode has a "cost", so you can freely place as many objects, effects, and gunpla as you like within that cost to create your ideal diorama, take a photo, and show it off to everyone. .

Tanaka : Some people may find it difficult to create a diorama in real life. I'm sure there are many Gunpla users who make Gunpla but don't want to make dioramas, so I hope they can easily make their debut in the game. I hope that some customers will enjoy making a diorama with Gundam Breaker and then making one in real life...

If you are playing this Fukukawa game while connected online, you can see various people's diorama creations on the monitor in the lobby. The lobby changes randomly over time, so I think it's fun to just take a peek inside the lobby. Also, speaking of the lobby, there is an exhibition space for giant Gunpla, and the Gunpla of the person ranked number one is displayed there.

In the Tanaka lobby, you can talk to other players, and on the profile cards you can see there you can see galleries that they have uploaded, such as blueprints for Gundam models they have made, photos of photo modes and dioramas.

MatanoAlthough it is an action game, I think one of the appeals of this work is that it is full of elements other than action, such as the diorama mode. You can enter the lobby with your Gunpla, but when I was playing test games with the development staff, I noticed that some people were building something very unique. We're planning on holding up to 24 people in the lobby, but when all 24 "Ore Gunpla" are's kind of chaotic (lol).

--It looks like you might be able to hold some kind of event.

MatanoYou could think of an event where you give a diorama or a mission and have people take on that mission, or have them make a diorama. I hope we can consider this as well. Users walking through the lobby with "Ore Gunpla" that exceeded the imagination of the development staff... This is one of the things to look forward to after the release.

[Gundam Breaker 4] The pleasure of creating and destroying Gunpla is back!  Three “shinkas” talked about by the developer

Effects such as explosive flames and beam rays can also be placed freely on the diorama. In addition to realizing the player's fantasies, it is also possible to recreate famous scenes from the original work and Gunpla package pictures.

How many Gunpla have appeared? That Gunpla is also participating!​

--What kind of content will this game's story mode include?

Tanaka : This work is set several years after Gundam Breaker 3. I hope to be able to provide more details in a follow-up report, but perhaps the characters that appeared in ``3'' will reappear...maybe. Of course, it's not a story that you can understand unless you know "3", so don't worry about that.

--So, how many Gunpla are planned to appear in this work?

More than 250 Matano machines will appear.

As some of you may have noticed from looking at the Fukugawa key visual, the aircraft from `` Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch of Mercury '' will also be participating in the battle.

Gundam Aerial and Daryl Balde from Matano's ``Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch of Mercury'' will participate.

--Will this work also include HG (1/144 scale) and MG (1/100 scale) Gunpla?

Matano : HG and MG can be customized as playable aircraft. Furthermore, PG (1/60 scale) will also appear as an enemy boss.

--I'm curious about the limited edition benefits.

The limited edition " Collector's Edition " that can be pre-ordered at the Matano Asobi Store comes with a real gunpla, Gun Barrel Strike Gundam (Gundam Breaker Ver.). Game Boy Advance game " Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Friends and You on the Battlefield." It is based on the aircraft that appeared in ``. Based on ENTRY GRADE's Strike Gundam, the color of the aircraft has been changed to reflect Mu La Flaga.

It will be delivered with an illustrated package and original decals. Mobius Zero's main weapon "Gun Barrel" is attached to his back as a striker pack. The shoulders and shins of the aircraft have perforated parts, which is typical of the limited edition plastic model included in Gundam Breaker, and even though it is a single plastic model, the gun barrel on the back and other parts can be replaced, making it a bit of an ``I Gundam''. Please note that this is possible.

--Are there any plans for downloadable content (DLC) or a season pass for this game?

Matano: Similar to Gundam Breaker 3, we are planning to distribute story missions where you can obtain new aircraft by playing. We also plan to sell a season pass that combines multiple stories and missions into one. The bonus of the season pass is the Gun Barrel Strike Gundam that I mentioned earlier. Additionally, we also offer “Diorama DLC” as additional content. You can enjoy all four types of diorama expansion parts, including ones with unique settings. We are also planning to sell a diorama pack that combines all of these items into one.

――Then, please give a message to the game fans who are looking forward to it.

TanakaThe theme of this work is three "evolutions" as numbered titles. One is "deepening" of customization. Being able to use separate left and right weapons and having separate parts attached. Next, the "evolution" of actions made possible by this. By being able to hold separate weapons for the left and right sides, the action has evolved, and the game has become a game where you have to think about which weapon to equip. And the “true value” of playing as a Gunpla.

We are introducing a diorama mode, which is a value that can only be achieved because it is a Gundam-themed game. I've been creating this with these three developments in mind, so I'd be happy if users could enjoy this part.