Hunt Showdown: Crytek Says Success Is Due to Listening to Community and Reacting Quick to Feedback


28 Jun 2022

hunt: showdown feedback

With more and more online games being released each year, it’s getting harder and harder for developers to retain players and keep them interested. Fortunately, Crytek’s Hunt: Showdown isn’t one of the games that has that problem.

Released back in February 2018 via Steam Early Access, Hunt: Showdown is now in it’s fifth year with no signs of stopping. If you’re wondering what the secret sauce is to this longevity and success, you’re not the only one, Speaking to MP1st, we asked Hunt: Showdown General Manager David Fifield how the team has managed to keep the game going strong throughout the years when a lot of other games have failed.

MP1st: After all these years, Hunt Showdown is still going strong. We’ve seen the rise and fall of many multiplayer games, ranging from indies to the big AAA publishers, SEGA’s Hyenas being one of the most recent, and that didn’t even release. How has the team managed to find success where so many others have failed? What’s your secret?

David Fifield
: One of the key points of our success, which started in the early access days, is that we’ve consistently listened to our community, and we quickly react to their feedback. Our content updates are also a big factor in our ongoing success, like the current “Tide of Corruption” event. The “Tide” series has been very well received this year with our latest event dropping a new Wild Target, Rotjaw. We’ve even managed to break our CCU records this year – five years post-launch – thanks to these content updates. We are looking at constantly improving our events and content drops for future as they are so well received by our community.

Given the success Hunt: Showdown is still getting, players should expect a few more significant content updates in the foreseeable future.

In the same interview, Fifield confirmed to us that Crysis 4 is still in development, and they have a “great team” working on it.


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Lord Mittens

Community Cat
1 Jul 2022
I got into this at the start of the year, its pretty good with a group of friends.
And I agree with what they are saying.
  • they're_right_you_know
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