No. PlayStation wins the most out of that equation.
Anything that lessens the draw of Xbox hardware, and diminishes Xbox hardware differentiation, even in a terminal state of decline is a win for the PlayStation ecosystem/hardware, short term or long term. Don't let anybody tell you different.
A platform holder is always gonna make that 30% cut and be the place publishers, small or large, indie devs, small or large come to sell their products. Being simply a publisher on the other hand is like having a noose around your neck all the time.... you either deliver what the audience wants or you're gonna suffer. Two different businesses, and the platform holder one is infinitely more attractive long term. Just the position of power alone that you hold on the industry is two completely different stratospheres of control. There are many publishers, there are only so many platform holders - I think that says it all really, for a simple mind.
If you're jeopardizing or speeding up the death of your platform business by diminishing software differentiation that's a long term loser. Now MS is obviously at the crossroads where their failure on the console platform business has been a foregone conclusion for a long time now so there is not much to save as they've been trying to save Xbox for close to a decade - at great expense. So now it's more of a "cut your loses" type situation. Still, these cats have yet to pull the plug on Xbox hardware.... and these are the same cats trying to get Nintendo to go multiplatform with their titles via corporate espionage and sabotage - at least the intent is there - the leaks don't lie. There is always some shenanigans afoot with MS. Until they're completely out of the Xbox hardware business, they're in.