In 2021 Sony was 1 of the richest companies alive with nearly 50billion cash on hand (more than Apple & Tencent). WHY has Sony's cash declined so much


Active member
11 Jul 2022
"Sony cash on hand for 2023 was $13.389B, a 37.59% decline from 2022. Sony cash on hand for 2022 was $21.452B, a 51.34% decline from 2021. Sony cash on hand for 2021 was $44.081B, a 42.59% increase from 2020."


From 44billion in cash down to only 13billion, is an insane decrease (especially in only 2 years)

And all they ever did was buy multiplatfom Bungie for 3 or 4 billion

What the freak has been accounting for Sony's decline in cash? None of that surplus ever went into anything significant. That's for damn sure

It's the biggest head scratcher ever

What happened to Sony's cash reserves and is continuing to happen? What the hell !


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
"Sony cash on hand for 2023 was $13.389B, a 37.59% decline from 2022. Sony cash on hand for 2022 was $21.452B, a 51.34% decline from 2021. Sony cash on hand for 2021 was $44.081B, a 42.59% increase from 2020."


From 44billion in cash down to only 13billion, is an insane decrease (especially in only 2 years)

And all they ever did was buy multiplatfom Bungie for 3 or 4 billion

What the freak has been accounting for Sony's decline in cash? None of that surplus ever went into anything significant. That's for damn sure

It's the biggest head scratcher ever

What happened to Sony's cash reserves and is continuing to happen? What the hell !
You're cherry-picking a peak and a valley. Why not go back to 2020 instead of 2021 and say they started with 28 billion? Anyways, some went to purchases and other investments, others might well have went to dividends. And yeah, some might have been lost/written off.


Active member
11 Jul 2022
I like how the 2 xbots rushed in here to give an "answer." I don't care what xbots have to say. This is the problem with today's society. People are arrogant in their ignorance. Hopefully I can find legitinate reasons from people who are actually well informed. I could make a guess myself that would be just as good as theirs, but I'm intelligent enough to know I'm not informed enough to rush to give an answer or to try and pretend like I know


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
I like how the 2 xbots rushed in here to give an "answer." I don't care what xbots have to say. This is the problem with today's society. People are arrogant in their ignorance. Hopefully I can find legitinate reasons from people who are actually well informed. I could make a guess myself that would be just as good as theirs, but I'm intelligent enough to know I'm not informed enough to rush to give a response
Yeah, "they spent it" is such a terrible answer. I guess you think they burned it instead.


21 Jun 2022
I'm not well informed (sorry) but I read on another forum that Sony had to keep that money somewhere else because they are a bank in Japan.

They still have it but they can't really use it. It's for insurance or something.
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Active member
11 Jul 2022
You're cherry-picking a peak and a valley. Why not go back to 2020 instead of 2021 and say they started with 28 billion?
Weirdest response ever. Do you know what steady decline is? Im making a point that Sony at 1 point had 1 of the largest cash reserves of any company on earth. Its a year after year decline that keeps continuing. Its strange to say the least. Youre someone just looking to argue for arguments sake. And I don't really care what known xbots like you have to say, period. I don't argue to argue.


Active member
11 Jul 2022
I'm not well informed (sorry) but I read on another forum that Sony had to keep that money somewhere else because they are a bank in Japan.

They still have it but they can't really use it. It's for insurance or something.
No worries. Don't sweat it. Youre honest and humble in what you do know and don't. Great traits to have and true signs of intelligence. Refreshing to see. My dude! That could honestly be it. Very interesting none the less and something I've found strange
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21 Jun 2022
No worries. Don't sweat it. Youre honest and humble in what you do know and don't. Great traits to have and true signs of intelligence. Refreshing to see. That could honestly be it. Very interesting none the less and something I've found strange
Here it is



Icon Extra
29 Jun 2023
I'm not well informed (sorry) but I read on another forum that Sony had to keep that money somewhere else because they are a bank in Japan.

They still have it but they can't really use it. It's for insurance or something.
They change accounting method from generally acceptes to international standard.

So most prefered share(3.7T) which was cash on hand got moved to their financial holdings in the report, which they just spun out another 100B.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
And I don't really care what known xbots like you have to say, period. I don't argue to argue.
Really, because the very first post in this thread, which you dismissed out of hand as being "from an xbot" was dead right. Truly people's worth is decided by their preferred gaming console. What a fucking joke you are.


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11 Jul 2022
I truly wonder if Sony is still capable of purchasing a Take Two to truly compete against this psychopathic monopolistic evil known as microsoft. Companies aren't always bought with straight up cash. Sony would have many options. Loan. Shares. Leverage debt. But is current Sony willing.


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11 Jul 2022
Here it is

View attachment 1906
Didn't know this. Thank you for sharing. Now it makes sense why Sony has been wanting to sell off their financial arm. I was trying to figure out the logic behind that one too. There it is
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11 Jul 2022
And I know Sony has low debt. Sony is in a great position. They can easily buy big publishers. But I still don't understand why Sony are such unwilling cheapskates. There is no options left when you have micorsoft (literally dubbed the evil empire in court) trying to foreclose on you.

All the "lobbying" microsoft does, I would first like to see Sony buy their own politicians. First thing would be getting the deal blocked at all costs

Than looking to defensively aquire to protect their interests and safeguard against microsoft's constant aggressions and anticompetitive criminal offences towards Sony

Everyone says Sony should buy Square Enix. But Sony already have exclusivity with Final Fantasy 16 and Kindome Hearts 4 (the two biggest SE franchises)

Sony needs to aquire Capcom. Thats how they would really hurt xbox. xbox has relied on so many Capcom IPs.
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11 Jul 2022
Even than Sony acquiring Capcom would still only be the counter response to Bethesda

That would be a tic for tac

Sony would need to aquire Capcom PLUS a T2 or an Epic to truly counter all of microsoft's attempts

Sony owning Fornight plus UE5 would be 1 of the smartest moves ever and put the biggest negotiating piece in Sony's hands to leverage against microsoft's evil plans of foreclosure on Playstation

If these corrupt clown regulators had the balls to brazzingly pass this insanely anticompetitive microsoft buyout of activision,, than Sony can buy anything they want in response and always say, "but you let micorsoft aquire the biggest publisher ever in gaming." They would have to let Sony aquire Epic or get exposed. Sony would walk scott free with Epic, Fortnight and UE5

"Youre gonna take CoD off Playstation? We will take Unreal Engine away from xbox and go to court to have every game ever built on UE taken off xbox" etc

Sony can play ball too
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14 Feb 2023
And I know Sony has low debt. Sony is in a great position. They can easily buy big publishers. But I still don't understand why Sony are such unwilling cheapskates. There is no options left when you have micorsoft (literally dubbed the evil empire in court) trying to foreclose on you.

All the "lobbying" microsoft does, I would first like to see Sony buy their own politicians. First thing would be getting the deal blocked at all costs

Than looking to defensively aquire and protect against microsoft's aggressions towards Sony.

Everyone says Sony should buy Square Enix. But Sony already have exclusivity with Final Fantasy and Kindome Hearts (the 2 biggest SE franchises)

Sony needs to aquire Capcom. Thats how they would really hurt xbox. xbox has relied on so many Capcom IPs.
wasting money on capcom wouldn't hurt MS in the slightest. Internet users need to get out of the mindset that these japanese publishers hold a candle to any of the western ones sales or engagement wise. in terms of acquisition Activision is the check mate, anything else is child's play, especially a japanese pub. they either acquire EA/Take Two/or Epic or they can say goodbye to any worthwhile 3rd party exclusives.
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11 Jul 2022
wasting money on capcom wouldn't hurt MS in the slightest. Internet users need to get out of the mindset that these japanese publishers hold a candle to any of the western ones sales or engagement wise. in terms of acquisition Activision is the check mate, anything else is child's play, especially a japanese pub. they either acquire EA/Take Two/or Epic or they can say goodbye to any worthwhile 3rd party exclusives.

Even though what you say is true in some regards, you have to think about it a little deeper

No one buys games on xbox anyway (xbox is the forever last place thrash meme brand that no one in the real world actually likes or cares about - everything about xbox is fake, its all just FUD, xbox doesnt have a real fanbase) so in essence yes that is the case

BUT if Sony were to take every Japanese publisher away from xbox it could deal a huge blow to xbox optics wise

Who are the people even buying an xbox? It's ill informed idiots. They listen to the hardcores. And if they hear you can never play the big Japanese IPs on xbox again, like Resident Evil (which btw started on Playstation) that could deal a huge optics blow and effect the last remaining people who are still willing to "buy into" xbox's lies

But yes, Activision is the biggest publisher in gaming. It's as unfair and anticompetitive as you can get. The fact this deal wasn't out right blocked by everyone a year ago shows how satanic and corrupt this world is. A deal like this should never ever even be entertained to go through. It's pure insanity. You can't really counter something like it tic for tac. Antitrust law means nothing anymore if microsoft can get away with this out right cold blooded premeditated murder on competition. But if antitrust law doesn't matter anymore, than Sony absolutely needs to go after T2 or Epic or both. That is very true

My logic behind Sony forclosing on microsoft from the Japanese side would be to deal a huge optics blow to xbox, from the hardcores, and try to eliminate the last few remaining who still may be interested in an xbox

Sony needs to stop fucking around, realise what's happening, wake the fuck up and start trying to fight off this evil corporate serpent microsoft. Sony needs to cut off the serpents head right now by all means necessary, deaths by a thousand cuts if they have to.

I.e It's not an either or. I say do both. Aquire all Japanese publishers PLUS A T2 OR EPIC
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Active member
11 Jul 2022
The 2 guys at Sony who really piss me off are Shu and Hermen. They are always so publically buddy buddy with microsoft. It makes me barf

After what was revealed in the FTC trial, all Sony employees should be mandated to hate microsoft and never say anything nice about xbox or xbox executives. How can Sony executives AS MEN still be so lovey dovey with microsoft after what was revealed in court. Yes, you seperate emotion from buisness and buisness is buisness, but microsoft was caught in court saying they will foreclose on Sony. How fucking clueless does Sony have to be to not take that as a threat and react and counter plan accordingly?

The fact you have Sony executives cucking to microsoft is unfathomable and unacceptable

Change the culture and philosophy at Sony now. microsoft are your future murderers if you dont do anything right now . It was proven in court they want to foreclose on Sony for fucks sake. What else do you need to wake up

I'm tired of how little Sony values Playstation. Playstation is the bread winner. Playstation should be far more important to Sony than xbox is to microsoft

If this isn't a wake up call to get serious what else can ever do it?

If this deal by this insane pure corruption passes, gaming is dead. I myself would never game again. Fook xbox and a bigger fook you to microsoft

I dont care how many satanic bastard microsoft payed off judges block all these appeals against this deal. As gamers we need to collectively KEEP filing appeals again and again until 1 eventually finds a noble judge who decides to do the right thing and rejects microsoft's takeover on the basis of actually enforcing antitrust law
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