Isn’t it crazy how straight forward PS advertise PC?

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27 Jun 2023

It’s so crazy to see PS advertise PC on its main account like it doesn’t care about its views for its own platform. Advertising PC is indirectly advertising Valve/Steam.

It would be different if these PC port was exclusive to the PS PC launcher but even then letting consumer know that you can play PS games without needing a PS console is pretty crazy. This is where PS slowly turns to Xbox w both having the same short term profit short term growth at the cost of there own platform/storefront.

The PC & Valve/Steam ecosystem only gets better with more PC ports & PC exclusive that already default in the PC gaming space.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Where the hell are they gonna advertise it then??? 💀

I'm against Putting PC stuff in State of Plays or even announcing a game will be PS5 / PC there.

But I dunno how else you expect them to promote their ports lol


12 Jan 2024
PlayStation isn't going to turn into Xbox because unlike Xbox, PlayStation is worldwide, have a massive loyal fanbase, almost 120m console owners from PS4 that are not going to give up their digital library and most importantly of all, 95% of console users are not going to spend $3000 minimum on a high end power PC just to deal with drivers and all this other crap when they can just buy a $500 box instead. And im saying this as if Sony's first party games were released on PC day one which granted, they will be as it's only a matter of time but even when that happens, the console will still sell over 100m units easily and Sony will be making more revenue and profit than they are now.
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8 May 2023
This is where PS slowly turns to Xbox w both having the same short term profit short term growth at the cost of there own platform/storefront.
PS is already the new Xbox and Xbox is dead.

It would be different if these PC port was exclusive to the PS PC launcher but even then letting consumer know that you can play PS games without needing a PS console is pretty crazy
Crazy? Where have you been the last few years, Sony are complete cucks

PlayStation isn't going to turn into Xbox because unlike Xbox, PlayStation is worldwide, have a massive loyal fanbase, almost 120m console owners from PS4 that are not going to give up their digital library and most importantly of all, 95% of console users are not going to spend $3000 minimum on a high end power PC just to deal with drivers and all this other crap when they can just buy a $500 box instead. And im saying this as if Sony's first party games were released on PC day one which granted, they will be as it's only a matter of time but even when that happens, the console will still sell over 100m units easily and Sony will be making more revenue and profit than they are now.
You can keep repeating this lie over and over, it won't make it true. Console sales are already in steep decline, 30% yoy every month. This didn't happen with PS4 in the same time frame. It won't happen over night but PS is already becoming more and more irrelevant and losing the popularity it once had.
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12 Jan 2024
You can keep repeating this lie over and over, it won't make it true. Console sales are already in steep decline, 30% yoy every month. This didn't happen with PS4 in the same time frame. It won't happen over night but PS is already becoming more and more irrelevant and losing the popularity it once had.

The console sales are not in a steep decline whatsoever. PlayStation 5 will end the generation at around 120m with an extra year when compared to PlayStation 4 but last generation didn't have a outbreak called Covid and PlayStation 5 is still at $500 almost four years in. PlayStation 4 Slim was $300 in less than three years (September 2016, release was November 2013) which is a $200 difference and economy worldwide is pretty much shit compared to Summer 2017.

It's just that none of the consoles are growing. They're basically just retaining what they had from last generation. As for losing popularity, kids/teenagers don't care about consoles in general. They're on their cell phones playing mobile games or already on PC and if you start on PC, you're not going to downgrade from PC. Those who care about consoles like us for example is because we grew up on consoles and cell phones didn't exist and PC gaming wasn't what it is now. In other words, we're the old gamers. The new/young gamers are simply growing up playing games in different ways and everyone goes where their friends are.

There's a reason why Sony is going to PC and eventually, Streaming. It's to be available on other platforms, markets and people that you'll never get with the console because they don't care about consoles.
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8 May 2023
The console sales are not in a steep decline whatsoever. PlayStation 5 will end the generation at around 120m with an extra year when compared to PlayStation 4 but last generation didn't have a outbreak called Covid and PlayStation 5 is still at $500 almost four years in. PlayStation 4 Slim was $300 in less than three years (September 2016, release was November 2013) which is a $200 difference and economy worldwide is pretty much shit compared to Summer 2017.

It's just that none of the consoles are growing. They're basically just retaining what they had from last generation. As for losing popularity, kids/teenagers don't care about consoles in general. They're on their cell phones playing mobile games or already on PC and if you start on PC, you're not going to downgrade from PC. Those who care about consoles like us for example is because we grew up on consoles and cell phones didn't exist and PC gaming wasn't what it is now. In other words, we're the old gamers. The new/young gamers are simply growing up playing games in different ways and everyone goes where their friends are.

There's a reason why Sony is going to PC and eventually, Streaming. It's to be available on other platforms, markets and people that you'll never get with the console because they don't care about consoles.
I already told you to save the Xbox fanboy talking points for someone else 😂 I don't wanna hear that nonsense. Idk how you've seen Xbox fail miserably with that awful strategy for the last 8 years and still continue to spout it, this is why people call yall "Xbots". You all sound like robots reading off a prompt.

And no, the PS5 is not surpassing 100m sold this gen 😂 unless they stretch it out to 10+ years. You don't know what you were talking about, you were dead wrong about Xbox and now you're dead wrong about PlayStation.
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12 Jan 2024
I already told you to save the Xbox fanboy talking points for someone else 😂 I don't wanna hear that nonsense. Idk how you've seen Xbox fail miserably with that awful strategy for the last 8 years and still continue to spout it, this is why people call yall "Xbots". You all sound like robots reading off a prompt.

Microsoft porting their games isn't what killed their consoles. 2013 disaster killed their consoles. $500 price tag, lower specifications and stuck with Kinect? UGH. I didn't buy Xbox One until Fall 2015 when Rise of the Tomb Raider released. Microsoft having no studios, cancelling games last generation and having no first party games due to having barely any studios is what killed their consoles. Of course, they sold 50m+ consoles of Xbox One. If Series X/S hits that which it probably will when all is said and done, that will be seen as a success for Microsoft because unlike most people here who are delusional, like Sony, Microsoft learned years ago to go where people are as opposed to hoping, wishing and praying they come to you because as you've said, their console sales are declining right? So if you're Sony or Microsoft, go to where people are. It's simply the smarter business decision.

Microsoft only fails with their consoles but they've told you for over 5 years, they don't care about the console. It's simply one of many options available to users to get into their eco-system. Microsoft first and foremost is a subscriptions and services company. They always have been and always will be. If they get just let's say 5m Game Pass Ultimate subscribers via Amazon FireStick, that's a huge positive because chances are, Microsoft never would have gotten those people to begin with because they're not console gamers. They may not be gamers at all but for a cheap entry price point, they're more likely to at least give it a chance.

Microsoft still makes tens of billions of dollars in revenue and profit. Sorry but that's not failing. Consoles, sure, okay but overall, not even fucking close. The problem is that YOU can't get past the box only. I have already moved past that and did so a long time ago. After their business meeting in February, im done with all those console war bullshit. I own both consoles. All I care about are the games that im interested in being great or better for me personally. They do that, I don't give two shits what else they do. They can release ALL of their first party games on Sony/Nintendo platforms day one and I don't give a fuck. I'm still playing them on my Xbox Series X via Game Pass Ultimate. It's not changing anything for me. You and others being able to play Xbox games on other platforms doesn't change or affect me whatsoever.

And by the way, if Microsoft were to go back to just the old school model that you and many others want them to do, they would do far worse than they're doing now console wise because there's no benefit whatsoever to owning an Xbox Series X/S. The major benefit IS and forever will be Game Pass. This is Microsoft's business model. It's not changing dude.

And no, the PS5 is not surpassing 100m sold this gen 😂 unless they stretch it out to 10+ years. You don't know what you were talking about, you were dead wrong about Xbox and now you're dead wrong about PlayStation.

Would you like to make a wager on this? LMAO

PlayStation 5 is already at 62m consoles sold at a higher price tag than last generation. If anything, they're on pace to surpass 124m. PlayStation 6 isn't releasing before November 2028. Four more years and you don't think that they'll hit 100m? Come on man. GTA 6 alone will probably break their all time quarter record for most consoles sold. Not only that but their best games are still to come. Once Sony has their PlayStation Showcase in September, everyone can shut the fuck up and stop worrying about any of this shit.

I was wrong in regards to Xbox consoles but that's because I didn't expect Microsoft to shift as quickly as they have. That's on me. It doesn't change anything though. I still have my Series X. I will still be buying their next gen Xbox console in Fall 2026. I have no worries. As for PlayStation, they have no true direct competition and haven't had that in two generations. Sony and PlayStation will be just fine.


8 May 2023
Of course, they sold 50m+ consoles of Xbox One. If Series X/S hits that which it probably will when all is said and done, that will be seen as a success for Microsoft
Lmaoo....wrong again. It's hard to take you seriously when you actually believe Xbox Series will sell 50m this gen...they were at 21m last summer and they sold 800k in the holiday quarter... they'll be lucky to even get 35m console sales this gen 🤦‍♂️ let alone 50m.

Microsoft only fails with their consoles but they've told you for over 5 years, they don't care about the console. It's simply one of many options available to users to get into their eco-system. Microsoft first and foremost is a subscriptions and services company. They always have been and always will be. If they get just let's say 5m Game Pass Ultimate subscribers via Amazon FireStick, that's a huge positive because chances are, Microsoft never would have gotten those people to begin with because they're not console gamers. They may not be gamers at all but for a cheap entry price point, they're more likely to at least give it a chance.

Microsoft still makes tens of billions of dollars in revenue and profit. Sorry but that's not failing. Consoles, sure, okay but overall, not even fucking close. The problem is that YOU can't get past the box only.
😂😂😂😂 5m GamePass subs from Firestick? 🤣🤣🤣 Bro you are so delusional. And who said anything about Microsoft failing? I'm clearly talking about their gaming sector 🤡 which is objectively failing, stop being disingenuous.

The problem is that YOU can't get past the box only. I have already moved past that and did so a long time ago. After their business meeting in February, im done with all those console war bullshit. I own both consoles. All I care about are the games that im interested in being great or better for me personally.
Stop projecting your issues on to me kid, I don't do console war nonsense, never have and never will. I'm glad you finally grew up but don't lump me in with you. All I do is state objective truths.

Would you like to make a wager on this? LMAO

PlayStation 5 is already at 62m consoles sold at a higher price tag than last generation. If anything, they're on pace to surpass 124m. PlayStation 6 isn't releasing before November 2028. Four more years and you don't think that they'll hit 100m? Come on man. GTA 6 alone will probably break their all time quarter record for most consoles sold. Not only that but their best games are still to come. Once Sony has their PlayStation Showcase in September, everyone can shut the fuck up and stop worrying about any of this shit.

I was wrong in regards to Xbox consoles but that's because I didn't expect Microsoft to shift as quickly as they have. That's on me. It doesn't change anything though. I still have my Series X. I will still be buying their next gen Xbox console in Fall 2026. I have no worries. As for PlayStation, they have no true direct competition and haven't had that in two generations. Sony and PlayStation will be just fine.
😂😂 PS5 just sold a paltry 2.4m this past quarter....that's what they sold during the peak of the supply constraints 😂😂😂 The Switch just sold 2.1m in the same time frame...selling only 300k more than a console in it's last year is beyond pathetic. PS5 sales are falling off a cliff and won't get better anytime soon.

The problem is that YOU can't get past the box only. I have already moved past that and did so a long time ago. After their business meeting in February, im done with all those console war bullshit. I own both consoles. All I care about are the games that im interested in being great or better for me personally.
You actually haven't changed at all. You're just taking your silly delusional Xbox fanboy behavior and now transferring it over to the blue side 🤦‍♂️ Sony is in deep doodoo, just like Xbox has been. And again, just like with Xbox, you won't see it until it's much too late.

Idk what happened to you, you were chill the last few months and suddenly turned into a PlayStation evangelist, constantly defending all their nonsense and attacking real fans like me for simply speaking the truth 🤦‍♂️ Thank you for further proving what I said over a year ago, PlayStation is the new Xbox and PS fanboys are the new Xbox fanboys.....
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12 Jan 2024
Lmaoo....wrong again. It's hard to take you seriously when you actually believe Xbox Series will sell 50m this gen...they were at 21m last summer and they sold 800k in the holiday quarter... they'll be lucky to even get 35m console sales this gen 🤦‍♂️ let alone 50m.

I said "if". I didn't say they would.

😂😂😂😂 5m GamePass subs from Firestick? 🤣🤣🤣 Bro you are so delusional. And who said anything about Microsoft failing? I'm clearly talking about their gaming sector 🤡 which is objectively failing, stop being disingenuous.

Again, I said "if. I didn't say that they would get 5m GPU subscribers via the FireStick but if they do, they sure as hell won't be upset about it. Their gaming division is literally doing the best it's EVER done. Consoles are doing poorly but they're making so much money off their gaming division that it simply doesn't matter. They're releasing a $600 Xbox Series X this Fall. That should tell you that they don't care if it sells and whatever it does sell, they want to make as much money off of it as possible. It's more than the previous three generations combined. All Microsoft cares about is money, revenue and profit and in this regard, the gaming division is a massive success because you have to include their entire gaming division, not just the console(s).

Stop projecting your issues on to me kid, I don't do console war nonsense, never have and never will. I'm glad you finally grew up but don't lump me in with you. All I do is state objective truths.

You're not stating objective truths because Sony similar to Microsoft is the most successful they've ever been. You only see them as failing or declining because they're doing what YOU don't want them to do when you should know by now, every company is going to do what they want to do period.

😂😂 PS5 just sold a paltry 2.4m this past quarter....that's what they sold during the peak of the supply constraints 😂😂😂 The Switch just sold 2.1m in the same time frame...selling only 300k more than a console in it's last year is beyond pathetic. PS5 sales are falling off a cliff and won't get better anytime soon.

800k units a month in April/May/June when there's no major releases whatsoever is pretty damn good. The biggest release was the Elden Ring expansion in late June. Switch is $200 cheaper, $300 if you buy the Lite model. I mean come on man. You're acting as if they're at the same price point.

Wait, you don't think that their console sales will get better? Wow.

You actually haven't changed at all. You're just taking your silly delusional Xbox fanboy behavior and now transferring it over to the blue side 🤦‍♂️ Sony is in deep doodoo, just like Xbox has been. And again, just like with Xbox, you won't see it until it's much too late.

Idk what happened to you, you were chill the last few months and suddenly turned into a PlayStation evangelist, constantly defending all their nonsense and attacking real fans like me for simply speaking the truth 🤦‍♂️ Thank you for further proving what I said over a year ago, PlayStation is the new Xbox and PS fanboys are the new Xbox fanboys.....

Why exactly is Sony in deep shit? Like honestly, why? Because they're doing things that YOU don't like? That doesn't count. lol

I'm still chill. In fact, im the most chill and laid back I have ever been when it comes to gaming because I decided months ago, to just let it all go. Whatever the companies do, they do. It's not in my control just like it's not in your control.

Speaking the truth? If anything, you're just dooming and glooming with literally no factual evidence at all. Sony publishes four games this year thus far and oh no, they're doomed. Where's the banger of a showcase? Nowhere to be found, oh no, they're doomed. They haven't released a massive first party game from an internal studio (outside of MLB) since November 2023. Oh no, 9 months without an internal first party game despite the fact that's already happened twice this generation and they're doing better than ever but oh no, they're doomed.

Like, come on man. You're literally worrying about nothing. Even worse, you're worrying about things you can't control or do anything about.

The reality is PlayStation WON the overall console war. It's over and done with and has been for a long time. Sony is more successful than ever before at a higher price point hardware and software wise. They're doing amazing.

Literally, all three hardware manufacturers are doing amazing, albeit in their own different ways. Instead of worrying about any of this shit, just enjoy what you have.


8 May 2023
Literally, all three hardware manufacturers are doing amazing, albeit in their own different ways.
idk why I even bother...have a good night sir

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29 May 2024

It’s so crazy to see PS advertise PC on its main account like it doesn’t care about its views for its own platform. Advertising PC is indirectly advertising Valve/Steam.

It would be different if these PC port was exclusive to the PS PC launcher but even then letting consumer know that you can play PS games without needing a PS console is pretty crazy. This is where PS slowly turns to Xbox w both having the same short term profit short term growth at the cost of there own platform/storefront.

The PC & Valve/Steam ecosystem only gets better with more PC ports & PC exclusive that already default in the PC gaming space.

Jesus Christ stop with the entitled whine topics please.

Can a mod close this shit?
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