Last Sentinel TGA trailer


28 Jun 2022


Futuristic and dystopian Tokyo​

The details of the Tokyo of the future look amazing. Since it occurs 70 years or so after the floodwaters rise because of global warming, parts of Tokyo are below sea level, protected by a wall. That’s the old city of Tokyo that we know today, Martin said. And the upper levels above sea level are the sci-fi buildings, with a kind of Blade Runner-like glow to them.

“Global warming has continued, sadly, and it’s post-environmental disaster,” Martin said. “This is a kind of salvaged Tokyo, with a giant sea wall and a gigantic new city built on top of Tokyo. You have this real juxtaposition. Tokyo as we know it today, and the future Tokyo. It’s old world versus new world.”

In that sense, the game is grounded in realistic views of the future.

“Our expectation is this an immersive world that fans can fall in love with,” Martin said. “It is an open world game and it is also strongly narrative based. We are building out the world to make it believable.”

The main character looks like a kind of Robocop.

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