Most gameplay nowadays is just derivative or a straight up copy of something else. I'm not saying those games aren't good/fun because of that fact, but it's hard to get excited over new trailers when the gameplay looks the same as a thousand other games that have come before it.
I get that there's a limit to just how many ways you can shoot, fight, or navigate a character around a screen, but the fact remains that I rarely feel I'm playing anything truly new gameplay-wise.
I really enjoyed Chants of the Senaar because I don't think I've ever played a game where I was deciphering individual letters of different pictographic languages to navigate the world before. Not for everyone but there's a demo available if you want to see what I mean. I suppose ultimately it's just another puzzle game, but the puzzles felt pretty unique to me.
I get that there's a limit to just how many ways you can shoot, fight, or navigate a character around a screen, but the fact remains that I rarely feel I'm playing anything truly new gameplay-wise.
I really enjoyed Chants of the Senaar because I don't think I've ever played a game where I was deciphering individual letters of different pictographic languages to navigate the world before. Not for everyone but there's a demo available if you want to see what I mean. I suppose ultimately it's just another puzzle game, but the puzzles felt pretty unique to me.