New Naruto fighting game receives backlash for questionable redub, raising eyebrows over potential AI voiceover: "I can guarantee I did not say that line that way"
Naruto X Boruto's new dub has fans and actors confused
ShonenGameZ on Twitter posted an example from the game (embedded above) that shows one such cutscene with slightly jarring voice delivery and an odd change in pitch during a flashback. To make matters worse, fans went back and compared these fresh dubs with older renditions. Twitterer Storm_Master responded with a version of that exact same cutscene (also embedded above) from a previous Ninja Storm game, which thankfully doesn’t have the same issues
Naruto’s English voice actor, Maile Flanagan, replied to the viral clip with some confusion: “I can guarantee I did not say that line that way. What’s that from? And I guarantee no voice director of Naruto or the games would have me do that in that way.”
The goofy “wake you up” line isn’t the only snippet that’s come under fire, though. Kawaki, Kakashi, and Konan’s special moves (featured in previous games/trailers) have also been redubbed with takes that have drawn criticism. Konan’s clip in particular directly compares the same stilted line from Naruto X Boruto and Ninja Storm 4, and the differences are stark.