Phil Spencer's business antics analysis


29 Jun 2023
I think the reason Phil's business antics continue to happen because he filled himself with either bad staffs that made poor decisions like retard little brother SeS or GP day one plans or buying 70B company even with all the mismanagement. And nobody ever saw through his incompetence

And worse the others are just there keep stroking his ego non-stop with nothing but praises, fanboys sucking his decisions with sweet words.
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28 Jun 2022
I think its because Satya and Amy Hood have absolutely no clue when it comes to gaming and Phil is surrounded by yes men/women. Investors have no clue whats actually happening in the xbox division because as long as Phil can finesse the numbers to show "Big line go up" then he continues to have free reign of daddy Satya's credit card. Doesn't matter how much of a failure xbox is, he said it himself he's playing the long the game.


14 Aug 2022
I think its because Satya and Amy Hood have absolutely no clue when it comes to gaming and Phil is surrounded by yes men/women. Investors have no clue whats actually happening in the xbox division because as long as Phil can finesse the numbers to show "Big line go up" then he continues to have free reign of daddy Satya's credit card. Doesn't matter how much of a failure xbox is, he said it himself he's playing the long the game.
I agree and it also goes to show how bad a leader Sata is, the fact that as a ceo he can't see what everybody else in the industry sees is not a good look for him. Xbox will be his downfall.
20 years from now the ceo of MS will look back at this and say "wtf was ms thinking?". MS wasted their time and money in gaming.