It is more of a hiring article but there is a lot of details about the project.
- Bandai Namco Aces is a joint-venture between ILCA and Bandai Namco Games.
- New Aces team is currently on hiring stage, which mean the next game will be not be around anytime soon.
- Game targeting photo-realism, powered by Unreal Engine 5
-Ace Combat 7 about to reaches 5 million copies sold.
- Bandai Namco Aces is a joint-venture between ILCA and Bandai Namco Games.
- New Aces team is currently on hiring stage, which mean the next game will be not be around anytime soon.
- Game targeting photo-realism, powered by Unreal Engine 5
-Ace Combat 7 about to reaches 5 million copies sold.
『エースコンバット』新作を開発するための会社・バンダイナムコエイセスはなぜ生まれたのか?求める仲間と、ここだからこそできる仕事がある理由 - AUTOMATON
バンダイナムコエイセスは現在、『ACE COMBAT(エースコンバット)』新作を一緒に 創り上げる仲間を募集中だ。河野一聡氏をはじめとしたエイセス首脳陣に、エイセスが求める人材とスタジオ立ち上げの背景を聞いた。