Rare Collection and Killer Instinct would make a killing on PS5 - Opinion

Jim Ryan

Not Lyin
22 Jun 2022
With Rares legacy and fantastic library of games, strong IPs and the recent performance of Sea of Thieves on PSN, I think it's a no brainer for Xbox to bring over the Rare Collection and Killer Instinct to grow the player base of all the games.

KI in particular enriches the fighting game scene and with Sony owning Evo, it all just fits.
  • thisistheway
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21 Jun 2022
I think they wouldn't sell a shit on PS, but KI at least would perform way better than it did on PC and Xbox and would be enjoyed by most of the fighting niche, whose players primarly play on PS.

If I was MS I'd get a combined deal with some porting team(s) to port all their games from this and the previous generation to PS. Getting a deal for all the games would get a better price than with per game contracts. And looking at the revenue of the whole pack vs the total cost of the ports would be worth it even if some like these two indivually underperform.
26 Nov 2023
KI not on being on PS5 is madness. It should've been part of that initial games they ported over but they chose Grounded instead lol Looking at EVO numbers and how healthy the FGC is right they should've prioritized KI but Xbox management be managing as usual 🙄
  • they're_right_you_know
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Well-known member
12 May 2024
I wouldn't mind the Rare Replay Collection, ashually.
K.I. I never really liked, but it would be a great strategic move for both parties (more so, than say, Pentiment or Hi-Fi Rush, IMO).


22 Jun 2022
Why would a Rare collection sell well on PlayStation?

Killer Instinct maybe. The rest no chance.

Nintendo Switch makes more sense. They still have a following in that fanbase.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
I really doubt it. Rare fans are present on Nintendo and thats about it. Few ever miigrated over to Xbox, which is why all of their games, except Kinnect Sports and Sea of Thieves (which garnered new audiences) failed.

As to RR going to Switch, it would be really awesome, but will never happen because bean-counters aren't interested in removing the parentheses from a decade old game when compared to a new one.

Edit: As to KI, its a decade old fighting game. When do those EVER sell well?


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Eh. Too many years have passed to where no one under 35 would care about their Nintendo-era software outside of Banjo and Goldeneye roms on switch.

I’m expecting Killer Instinct and Halo MCC ports next. I thought Microsoft would announce the next 4 games for their third party slate by now.