Remedy Ent: Financial Statements Jan-Dec. 2023: Challenging year 22% revenue decline, €28.6 Million Operating Loss expect Alan Wake 2 to drive profit.


28 Jun 2022

• EBITDA was EUR -17.0 (1.9) million.
• Operating profit (EBIT) was EUR -28.6 (-0.6) million, and the operating profit margin was -84.4% (-1.3%) of revenue.
• Cash flow from operations was EUR -16.0 (11.1) million.
• In September, The Board of Directors decided on a new option plan 2023.
• In November, Remedy made changes to its core leadership team. Markus Mäki assumed the role of Chief Product Officer and Mika Vehkala was appointed as Chief Technology Officer.
• Remedy recognized an impairment charge of EUR 7.2 million for Q4 and fiscal year 2023 results, comprising the total capitalized development costs for codename Vanguard.
• The Board of Directors proposes that no dividend will be paid for the year 2023.
• After the review period, in February 2024, Remedy signed a contract amendment with Tencent for codename Kestrel, resulting in the Kestrel project starting fresh.
• After the review period, in February 2024, Remedy announced that Alan Wake 2 had sold 1 million units by the end of December 2023, and 1.3 million units as of the beginning of February 2024.
• After the review period, in February 2024, Remedy acquired full rights to the Control franchise from 505 Games. Upon the transaction, all publishing, distribution, marketing and other rights to Control, codename Condor, Control 2, and all future Control products revert to Remedy.

Key Figures

MEUR, IFRS, Group, unaudited10–12/202310–12/20221–12/20231–12/2022
Growth in revenue, %-24.4%-31.2%-22.2%-2.5%
Operating profit (EBIT)-12.82.1-28.6-0.6
Operating profit, % of revenue-123.9%15.6%-84.4%-1.3%
Result for review period-9.91.5-22.7-1.7
Result for review period, % of revenue-96.5%10.8%-66.8%-4.0%
Balance sheet total79.099.679.099.6
Cash flow from operations0.1-3.8-16.011.1
Net cash23.849.923.849.9
Cash and cash equivalents20.
Net gearing, %-35.1%-56.4%-35.1%-56.4%
Equity ratio, %85.5%88.8%85.5%88.8%
Capital expenditures1.52.510.010.6
Average number of personnel during review period (FTE)337323334307
Headcount at the end of period352334352334
Earnings per share, €-0.740.11-1.68-0.13
Earnings per share, € (diluted)-0.730.11-1.66-0.13
Number of shares at the end of period13,490,15113,448,60013,490,15113,448,600

Comments by CEO Tero Virtala

The last quarter of 2023 was a special and memorable one for Remedy. Alan Wake returned after 13 years with the launch of Alan Wake 2 at the end of October 2023. Alan Wake 2 is the largest and most ambitious project undertaken by Remedy. Finalizing the game with a high quality was a priority and required more personnel during the year than originally planned, which in turn delayed our other projects moving to the next development stages. The successful launch of Alan Wake 2 freed up talents for other game projects, resulting in improved development velocity.
We at Remedy are grateful for Alan Wake 2’s positive reception from both critics and players. The game has a Metacritic score of 89 placing it among the very best game launches of 2023, and it has won several awards including Best Game Direction, Best Narrative, and Best Art Direction at The Game Awards. With Alan Wake and Control we now have two established franchises, and our ambition is to grow them into franchises that have high brand recognition, steadily growing user base, more regular cadence of sequels and an ability to generate revenues and profits at a high level.
The sales of Alan Wake 2 started well despite a competitive launch window and an overall exceptional number of great game launches throughout the year. Alan Wake 2, as a digital only release, had sold over 1 million units by the end of the fourth quarter of 2023 making it the fastest selling Remedy game. I want to thank the development team for their incredible effort in getting Alan Wake 2 done. As Control proved, a great quality game can have excellent longtail sales and we expect this to be the case with Alan Wake 2 as well. Alan Wake 2 has already recouped a significant part of the investments made by Epic Games Publishing, and we expect the game to be a meaningful revenue and profitability driver for the year.
In February 2024, we acquired full rights to the Control franchise from 505 Games. This is a significant positive step for us. While 505 Games was the right partner in 2017, the franchise and our ambitions have grown since. We see that the way to grow the Control franchise is with a different business model and a partner.
Our full year 2023 revenue and profitability were impacted by significantly increased investments in our own game projects, and the impairment charge related to codename Vanguard. Out of the five games we had in development during the year, we co-financed four that are based on Remedy-owned brands, whereas Max Payne1&2 remake is fully funded by the IP owner and publishing partner Rockstar Games. In the fourth quarter of 2023, revenue and profitability declined from the comparable period.
In November we announced a reboot to Codename Vanguard, renamed Codename Kestrel. The requirements for a successful new free-to-play game have clearly increased during the past years. Despite the promising progress during the first half of the year, we decided with Tencent that the potential was not there. Kestrel returned to a concept stage. As a result, we wrote off all the capitalized Vanguard development costs, impacting the profitability of the fourth quarter and full year 2023 by EUR -7.2 million.
Control 2 continued in the proof-of-concept stage. In the fourth quarter, the team worked particularly on world building and combat. Codename Condor continued in the production readiness stage and the team focused on combat and game mechanics. Both games have proven fun and engaging game play.
Max Payne 1&2 Remake also continued in the production readiness stage. The team made considerable progress throughout the year. Max Payne 1&2 remake is going to be a major new game with great potential, enabled by a similar development budget as Alan Wake 2.
We expect Condor, Control 2 and Max Payne 1&2 remake projects to advance to the next stages of development during the first half of 2024. With the refined multi-project model in place, increased focus on Remedy core strengths and the dedication of almost 400 Remedians, we are thrilled with a great lineup of upcoming game launches.
I want to thank all Remedians for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. 2023 was a challenging yet remarkable year for Remedy. Having acquired the full rights to Control, Condor and Control 2, we can now make the right product and business decisions focusing on long-term franchise growth for both Alan Wake and Control. We continue the year 2024 with great enthusiasm, more focus, and plenty of determination, and we expect this to be an exciting year of growth for Remedy.

Outlook 2024

Remedy expects its revenue to increase from the previous year and operating profit (EBIT) to improve.
The revenue growth rate and EBIT improvement are meaningfully dependent on the choice between self-publishing and/or choosing a new publishing partner for the games in the Control franchise (Codename Condor and Control 2).
We will specify the Outlook for 2024 when the decision for the business model and the potential agreements for Control 2 and Condor have been made.

Long-term business prospects

We have two established own franchises, Control and Alan Wake, which are linked through the Remedy Connected Universe. Growing and expanding these franchises will be a key part of our future. In addition, we work with a partner franchise Max Payne that was originally created by Remedy.

Dividend proposal

On December 31, 2023, Remedy Entertainment Plc’s non-restricted equity was 48 020 705,23 euros, and the profit for the financial year was -22 867 054,61 euros.
The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend be paid based on the balance sheet to be adopted for the financial year 2023.

Events after the end of the reporting period

On February 6, 2024, Remedy signed a contract amendment with Tencent for codename Kestrel, resulting in the Kestrel project starting fresh.
On February 16, 2024, Remedy announced that Alan Wake 2 had sold 1 million units by the end of December 2023, and 1.3 million units as of the beginning of February 2024.
On February 28, 2024, Remedy acquired full rights to the Control franchise from 505 Games. Upon the transaction, all publishing, distribution, marketing and other rights to Control, codename Condor, Control 2, and all future Control products will revert to Remedy.

Webcast and conference call

Remedy will host a webcast and conference call in English on its full year 2023 financial results for investors, analysts and media on March 20, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. (EET). Remedy’s financial results will be presented by CEO Tero Virtala and CFO Terhi Kauppi.
The Business review will be available after publication on Remedy’s Investor website:
Webcast details:
Register in advance for the webcast:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webcast.
Conference call details:
Dial in by calling your local phone number a few minutes before the briefing begins. International numbers are available at:
Finland: +358 9 7252 2471
Sweden: +46 850 539 728
United Kingdom: +44 330 088 5830
United States: +1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 896 6529 0254
Passcode: 487991
A recording of the webcast will be available afterwards on Remedy’s Investor website:
More information
Veli-Pekka Puolakanaho, Corporate Development Director
Phone: +358 50 430 0936
Email: [email protected]
Remedy in brief
Remedy Entertainment Plc is a pioneering, globally renowned video game company founded in 1995 and headquartered in Finland with an office in Stockholm, Sweden. Known for its story-driven and visually stunning action games, Remedy has created multiple successful, critically acclaimed franchises such as Alan Wake, Control, and Max Payne. Remedy also develops its own Northlight game engine and tools technology that powers many of its games. Remedy’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki’s official list.

Remedy FY 2023 financial statement release

The numbers:​

Q4 2023:
  • Revenue: €10.3 million (down 24.4%)
  • Operating loss: €12.8 million (compared to operating profit of €2.1 million in 2022)
FY 2023:
  • Revenue: €33.9 million (down 22.2%)
  • Operating loss: €28.6 million (compared to operating loss of €0.6 million in 2022)

The highlights:​

Remedy attributed the decline in revenue and profit to "increased investments" in ongoing projects currently in development, in addition to an impairment charge of €7.2 million for its project codenamed Kestrel (previously Vanguard) after the firm announced it would be changing the title from a free-to-play multiplayer to a premium title last November.

The report also included results for the three months ended December 2023, with revenue declining by 24.4% to €10.3 million, and operating profit at a loss of €12.8 million.

Despite Remedy describing 2023 as a "challenging year," its CEO Tero Virtala highlighted the release of Alan Wake 2 in October as a major success for the developer.
"The sales of Alan Wake 2 started well despite a competitive launch window," Virtala said. "Alan Wake 2 has already recouped a significant part of the investments made by Epic Games Publishing, and we expect the game to be a meaningful revenue and profitability driver for the year."

He added: "With Alan Wake and Control we now have two established franchises, and our ambition is to grow them into franchises that have high brand recognition, steadily growing user base, more regular cadence of sequels and an ability to generate revenue and profits and a high level."

Speaking of Control, Remedy acquired the full publishing rights to the franchise from 505 Games for €17 million at the end of its fourth quarter. It now owns the rights to the original game, its sequel, and the multiplayer spin-off codenamed Condor that is currently in development.
As for other projects currently in development, Virtala said that the remakes of Max Payne 1 and 2 "are going to be a major new game with great potential" due to having a similar development budget as Alan Wake 2.

"We expect Condor, Control 2, and the Max Payne 1 and 2 remake projects to advance to the next stages of development during the first half of 2024," he said.
Looking ahead, Remedy expects revenue to increase from the previous year and operating profit to improve. The developer said this was dependent on whether they decide to self-publish "and/or choose a new publishing partner" for Control 2 and Condor.

In the long term, the firm is focused on building the Remedy Connected Universe with Alan Wake and Control.

"Growing and expanding these franchises will be a key part of our future," it said, in addition to Max Payne.

Max Payne 1 and 2 Remake Has Same Development Budget as Alan Wake 2​

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28 Jun 2022
Plus info on new cooperative project mentioned last year as Vanguard now called Kestral.

About kestral...

Remedy Entertainment Plc today announces a reboot of its cooperative, free-to-play multiplayer game project codenamed “Vanguard”, hereafter “Kestrel”, as a premium game with a strong, cooperative multiplayer component.
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  • Informative
Reactions: xollowsob


6 Jan 2024
If you're expecting Alan Woke to help you out, then be prepared to be disappointed. You've killed that franchise dead.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Nimrota


28 Jun 2022
If you're expecting Alan Woke to help you out, then be prepared to be disappointed. You've killed that franchise dead.
In their defense they have stated relative to budget Alan Wake has been a success and brought in good revenue.

"Alan Wake 2 has already recouped a significant part of the investments made by Epic Games Publishing, and we expect the game to be a meaningful revenue and profitability driver for the year"
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
In their defense they have stated relative to budget Alan Wake has been a success and brought in good revenue.

"Alan Wake 2 has already recouped a significant part of the investments made by Epic Games Publishing, and we expect the game to be a meaningful revenue and profitability driver for the year"

That's not what it says - You need to pay attention to corporate speak. What it says is that it recouped a significant part of the investment, and they expect it to continue providing revenue and drive profitability this year - This essentially means that it has almost paid Epics investment and that new dollars coming in will improve company profitability, regardless of the game being profitable or not.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: xollowsob


28 Jun 2022
That's not what it says - You need to pay attention to corporate speak. What it says is that it recouped a significant part of the investment, and they expect it to continue providing revenue and drive profitability this year - This essentially means that it has almost paid Epics investment and that new dollars coming in will improve company profitability, regardless of the game being profitable or not.

Correction and thnks but all semantics to my point. It is bringing in good revenue then and will be profitable in the future. My point still stands it's a success both critically and financially.


28 Jun 2022
I wouldn't say it's a success honestly, it should have paid itself already. Has they released physical and it would have.
Idk Hmmm didn't they say it's their fastest selling? Seems to be out pacing their previous games and tht seems like a success. I agree when I first saw the sales I didn't equate it to "fastest selling"
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6 Jan 2024
Killed the franchise? It's one of the best games of this generation and better than previous AW games 🤦‍♂️
No it's not. Objectively, subjectively, no it's not.

Anyway, what's caused the switch in camp, Adams apple? Were you one of the 1900 laid off?


28 Jun 2022
Bottom line it seems to be doing well a and they are pleased with where it stands now.


21 Jun 2022
1.3M units solds of Alan Wake 2 in 4 months, I thought it was going to sell better.

Revenue down 22% YoY even with the AW2 release doesn't sound good at all.
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Well-known member
21 Jun 2022
If you're expecting Alan Woke to help you out, then be prepared to be disappointed. You've killed that franchise dead.
what do you mean?
The game is absolutelly fantastic, me personal GOTY last year and even ran for GOTY.


27 Feb 2024
Alan Bore 2 a game so boring that all the collusion between gaming journalists and industry cant get people to buy it. If I want to watch a supernatural drama I'll go watch twin peaks. This game is Starfield level of boring, they made a tv show and added in TPS mechanics at the end

Jim Ryan

Not Lyin
22 Jun 2022
Time for Sony to sweep on and save them.

amazon fly GIF
  • haha
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