Report: Sexual Misconduct Investigation Conducted at EA, Suspects Named and What They Did Revealed

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States

According to Bowling, over the previous 2.5 months, EA has conducted an internal sexual misconduct investigation into Dev Director of Plants vs. Zombies Jordan Adams, and Director Partnerships at EAX Matthew Angeleri.

So just what did these two people do to warrant an investigation? Apparently, Jordan Adams video called his female coworkers and proceeded to perform lewd acts on himself. Adams would also send female coworkers pornographic videos and even reference them in EA Slack conversations.

As for Matthew Angeleri, he invited his female coworkers to stay at his home with his wife while visiting Vegas where they were given free room and lodging. While that seemed like an act of goodwill, Angeleri privately sexually harassed said female coworkers and even followed it up with videos of himself having lewd acts performed on himself.

For reference, Bowling is the partner of one of the victims and even a witness to the evidence, even stating that he has a picture of Adams’ genitalia on their iPad.
