Rockstar is "seeking perfection" for GTA 6 and will release it when it's "optimized creatively"


28 Jun 2022

"We're seeking perfection, and when we feel we've optimized creatively, that's the time to release," Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Rockstar parent company Take-Two, said to an investor asking how the publisher decides when release a game like GTA 6. Zelnick went on to assure investors that "we're all in this together," and that devs and executives both have financial incentives to ensure that development doesn't drag on forever.

"There is inherent tension, potentially, between getting something to market and creating perfection," Zelnick said, "but this company errs on the side of perfection."
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Well-known member
2 Feb 2024
"but this company errs on the side of perfection."

Rock* saying they err on the side of perfection is absolutely insane, what was Red Dead Online? They treated it like it was nothing, it could have been great had they actually kept updating it with content, just as they do to GTA 5, as they have been doing for over a DECADE. GTA 5 is their cash cow and it's unfortunate they spent so long milking it, over a decade later and GTA 6 hasn't been finished, I'm eager to know when development even started.
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28 Jun 2022
Rock* saying they err on the side of perfection is absolutely insane, what was Red Dead Online? They treated it like it was nothing, it could have been great had they actually kept updating it with content, just as they do to GTA 5, as they have been doing for over a DECADE. GTA 5 is their cash cow and it's unfortunate they spent so long milking it, over a decade later and GTA 6 hasn't been finished, I'm eager to know when development even started.
Ohhhh we know alot of the delay had to do with milking GTA5 with its many console releases over the years but hey it's smart business as for many years up until a few years ago it kept hitting the #1 spot or was within top seller positions yearly.
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  • they're_right_you_know
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Mild Conviction

Active member
13 Jan 2023
Putting aside the insane neglect single-player GTA5 got in order to milk GTAO, there's one huge thing I'm hesitant about with their idea of "perfection."

What is the world map going to contain? Obviously, it's a GTA game, but will there be literally anything to do besides drive and shoot? In the eleven years since the release of GTA5, we've gotten several games in the Yakuza/Like a Dragon series, and it's been more and more astounding how much content they cram into each entry, and how many ridiculous and shockingly deep minigames they create from scratch just to give the players something to do besides fight. It would be utterly embarrassing for GTA6 to come out, having cost a billion dollars to make, for gameplay variety to be only driving, shooting, and changing clothes. What good is a gigantic map with nothing new or interesting to do in it?
  • they're_right_you_know
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28 Jun 2022
Putting aside the insane neglect single-player GTA5 got in order to milk GTAO, there's one huge thing I'm hesitant about with their idea of "perfection."

What is the world map going to contain? Obviously, it's a GTA game, but will there be literally anything to do besides drive and shoot? In the eleven years since the release of GTA5, we've gotten several games in the Yakuza/Like a Dragon series, and it's been more and more astounding how much content they cram into each entry, and how many ridiculous and shockingly deep minigames they create from scratch just to give the players something to do besides fight. It would be utterly embarrassing for GTA6 to come out, having cost a billion dollars to make, for gameplay variety to be only driving, shooting, and changing clothes. What good is a gigantic map with nothing new or interesting to do in it?
I mean isn't GTA V world vastly bigger and superior? Also GTA 5 had many things to do in its world and it's own mini games to do like racing, robbing banks, etc. Creating your place with garage and such was also great with extensive things to do in modifying it. For how big the world is in GTA no one comes close to the creation of an alive world imo. I agree though should be more things involved this time around..