S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 New Screenshots and Information Released

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States







STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl makes a hell of a first impression – the opening moments see your player-character, Skif sprawled across the floor of a rad-blasted forest, looking down, and seeing a mutant dog chewing on their leg. Cue a panic, a jammed gun, and the dog being fortuitously picked up by a nearby atmospheric anomaly and, well, exploding. Like I said, hell of a first impression.

This long-awaited sequel to the cult classic first-person immersive shooter series is clearly aiming to grab attention from the off – and getting the chance to go hands-on with this first ever playable build at gamescom shows that off in more ways than one.

The most surprising element for a showfloor demo is the freedom you’re offered. Developer GSC Game World makes clear that this is a tiny slice of an enormous game, and still work-in-progress, but barring a short scene-setting conversation with a mysterious stranger – who directs us to speak to some locals – the demo makes no demands of you to do anything other than explore. It’s a clear marker of the game as a whole, a world that offers you choices from the beginning, and the opportunities to make them how you’d like.

Those choices haunt me from the beginning – I creep through a body-strewn checkpoint, looting what I can, before reaching a shack surrounded by dogs. Suddenly, I see a figure emerge toting a weapon – and I immediately open fire. Little do I know that I’m taking down the locals I’ve been directed to, simply protecting themselves from the same dogs I will be in the aftermath. Admirably, the game doesn’t give me a fail state for this – I made my (hasty) choice and I need to pay the consequences for that. I lose the ability to finish a sidequest – but the extra loot I gain doesn’t go unnoticed.

Gunplay is quick and brutal – weapons don’t so much fire as hammer, with a distinct kick to even the smallest pistol. I encounter a camp of enemy bandits who attack on sight, and tear through them in short order – but need to make liberal use of my own medkits because of the sheer amount of damage they deal themselves, and some crafty AI that sees some of the pack flank me while others hunker down behind walls and vehicles to draw fire. The lesson here is clear: be prepared, be smart, and be ruthless.

Along the way, GSC Game World makes clear the power of Unreal Engine 5, imbuing beauty to a distinctly nasty world – The Zone (the name given to this alternative Earth’s post-nuclear Chornobyl Exclusion Zone) is packed with detail: abandoned buildings cut through with low, wintry light; threadbare forests broken up by oily, shimmering bubbles of warped reality; and pockets of quiet humanity being scratched out in the wilderness.


2 May 2023
Looks pretty good. As a fan of the Tarkovsky movie, turning the franchise into an FPS always seemed like a sus move. It ought to be a stealth+extraction game, with some magic elements.