Sony PlayStation’s headcount was flat this year, snapping three years of growth


10 Jan 2023
Sony’s gaming group, which has produced the popular PS5 console and a string of acclaimed games, has nonetheless been facing pressure from company leadership to improve financial performance after years of aggressive spending.

One measure of that is that the headcount Sony reports for the corporate division that encompasses PlayStation is no longer showing any increase.

A season of internal expansion for the gaming group appears to be over, as leaders focus on profitability.

Sony’s most recent count for that Game & Network Services division showed 12,700 workers, through the end of March 2024.

The company reported the same headcount of 12,700 as of the end of March 2023, meaning the number this year was flat, after having shown increases from early 2020 through last year.

The 2024 figure appeared in a Sony corporate filing in June and again in a sustainability report issued this month, but it has gotten little attention amid the broader discussion of job cuts at PlayStation and the game industry.

Other Sony divisions, including Sony Music and Sony Pictures, reported increased headcounts this year.


21 Jun 2022
As reference in 2022 they were 10,200 people. As reference they have more people there than in Sony Music or Sony Pictures:
