Star Citizen Fundraising Exceeds $600 Million

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States
Star Citizen broke another record in terms of funds collected by project supporters. Indeed, on 25 August he crossed the Rubicon dei 600 million dollars collected. We don’t know if Chris Roberts, the creator of the project, uttered the phrase “Alea iacta est” upon learning of the result, but he will surely be satisfied.
In total there are more than 4.7 million i supporters who have given money for the development of Star Citizen, which has now been going on for about twelve years and whose end is not in sight. How can we not see that of Squadron 42, the single player module announced during the Kickstarter campaign, for which there is talk of at least another year of development.

Star Citizen began its ride in 2011, with the campaign Kickstarter started in 2012. Since then, supporters have never lacked funds for the project, buying the game and the ships available in the shop, so as to make it the most funded crowdfunded project ever.
Over the years, fundraising has never slowed down and, indeed, in 2022 it achieved record results by raising 110 million dollars, a +27% compared to the previous year. The same could happen in 2023, given the current trend and the $56 million already raised.

Of course, there is still no official launch date for Star Citizen, the development of which could still last many years, despite already being about six years behind the initial plans.