Starfield will not have a physical disc copy in any edition


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Well, there goes a lot of hype. Fuck MS.

I do have GamePass but was hoping to get it on disc if it turns out good. Fuck this.


22 Jul 2022
Not many buy games on the platform, much less disc. This also allows a retail presence for the main system too, the S


8 May 2023
Physical editions of games should be deluxe or nothing. Standard editions with the disc and not much else should go the way of the dodo.

Console fanboys love them because they can buy and sell used, no money goes to the dev that way. At least they always get something with digital sales.


8 May 2023
Physical editions of games should be deluxe or nothing. Standard editions with the disc and not much else should go the way of the dodo.

Console fanboys love them because they can buy and sell used, no money goes to the dev that way. At least they always get something with digital sales.
PC gamers always flip flop between caring about the devs and their own pockets whenever it suits their narrative 😂 one day its support the devs, the next day it's these publishers don't care about us. Hopefully the option for physical never goes away
24 Jun 2022
Lol I'm honestly surprised this game doesn't have always online component

You just wait; that'll be the next bit of news.

Unless MS are doing something to removed data caps, this digital-only future of theirs is a dead end for the majority of the population here in America, which ironically has traditionally been their strongest market. I share a 1.2 TB monthly cap with others and check data usage through the app almost daily. That's how paranoid data caps make me.

It's a big reason I still buy physical.

Physical editions of games should be deluxe or nothing. Standard editions with the disc and not much else should go the way of the dodo.

Console fanboys love them because they can buy and sell used, no money goes to the dev that way. At least they always get something with digital sales.

Such a dumb take. A lot of us aren't in South Korea, Japan, or Europe, where data caps are non-existent. A good deal of gamers in America don't even have access to fiber, 5G or cable internet; not because they can't afford it, but because they just happen to live in an area that's basically rigged by a dominant provider who doesn't offer it (Verizon Fiber is still not an option in my area for example, though their 5G now is).

As long as data caps and service provider rigged monopolies in various districts continue to exist, you will ALWAYS need physical, and those discs cost relative peanuts. If it's about the blu-ray licensing fees...isn't MS a near $3 trillion valuated company? You want to pretend like they can't afford to pay those fees? BS. Them wanting to be cheap on physical doesn't mean physical deserves to disappear; that's Microsoft's problem, not Sony or Nintendo's. Or the vast majority of 3P publishers for that matter.

Once again if something's bad for Microsoft apparently it's bad for the industry when in reality, it's just bad for Microsoft because they're being cheap and petty.
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Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
Bad for gamers in general. Don't care about the MS/Bethesda sales equation part of this. Just more bad precedents, whether they get burnt in the PR space or otherwise is inconsequential. We have another case with Alan Wake 2. This is how they start when seeking to steer the industry...... it's called sending feelers....

Physical is good for the gamer/consumer and part of the ownership - control equation of consumers vis a vis the suppliers who would rather have total control via digital. Systemshock, as many PCMR loonies on the MS/Valve tit could give two fucks so that's natural. It's also no surprise and not by coincidence that Windows Gaming (MS) aka PC Gaming is a space where physical already died out. The consumers of that platform already lost their "fight" ages ago - the alternative and escape route being piracy, which has been significantly addressed by the market through online-only games. Some can't see beyond their nose when they're being had.... the control and conditioning is so great that they themselves belief their position on the matter was of their own choosing, and rationalized beneficial for them (and not market actors steering it for them). The human brain is a crazy construct...“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” - AB.

The more consoles become like PC, the less consoles are like consoles. Strategic long-term win for MS. It's a simple equation. Success is not measured solely by how much MS can sell Xbox (it's one of many variables). Success is also measured by how much they're able to change/steer the industry (by having a presence) to shape the consoles industry in their desired direction - a direction in which Windows PC gaming is relevant and not losing ground to consoles, and above all Microsoft as a whole is relevant. Once you understand this well, everything else falls into place, like.... under performance, continuous money pit loses, "incompetence", "bad policies", "shooting themselves in the foot by going against tradition", refusal to kill Xbox, hiding Xbox in financials, trying to change the game forcefully by different means and methods etc....... etc. MS does not need consoles, but it does need Nintendo/Sony out and it needs and craves those 250 million gamers in their ecosystem. It's a longgggg fight...

If tomorrow MS decides to kill Xbox, PC gaming today is better off than during the PS1/PS2 era and the general trend of that era when consoles were dominant and PC gaming was a fart in the wind. The tide was stopped and reversed in many ways. That's a measure of success - which came at a cost for MS but that is the price to pay to protect the golden, monopoly status goose. Some just can't see it nor think "big". Mind you, your regular gamer Joe is not supposed to think of these things deep, nor have the critical thinking skills required, nor the accumulated knowledge to put 2 and to 2 together, connect the dots, and reach the correct conclusion - cause you can have all those things too and reach the wrong conclusion. Ohh well... life goes on I guess.
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24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Physical editions of games should be deluxe or nothing. Standard editions with the disc and not much else should go the way of the dodo.

Console fanboys love them because they can buy and sell used, no money goes to the dev that way. At least they always get something with digital sales.
Devs don't get paid based on sales. They have fixed salaries with bonuses depending on various things. Company heads get bonuses based on sales.

And we wouldn't want to prevent a CEO from buying another boat.

Haven't heard a more ridiculous statement in a long time. Standing up for huge corporations is ridiculous.


25 Mar 2023
Add that to the list of MS contributions to gaming, ending physical media distribution. Damn losers.
Physical editions of games should be deluxe or nothing. Standard editions with the disc and not much else should go the way of the dodo.

Console fanboys love them because they can buy and sell used, no money goes to the dev that way. At least they always get something with digital sales.
Lmao, what a terrible take.
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