The GTA 6 age rating is fake and the launch date is a mystery, classification board confirms


Well-known member
22 Jun 2022
West Virginia, USA
R* are resting on their laurels and milking the cash cow that is GTA V Online. Really quite sad. At this point, I don't think I'm going to get GTA 6 unless it's so impressive I can't pass up on it.
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10 Mar 2023
R* are resting on their laurels and milking the cash cow that is GTA V Online. Really quite sad. At this point, I don't think I'm going to get GTA 6 unless it's so impressive I can't pass up on it.
How are they resting on their Laurels? It's not like they started making GTA 6 immediately after GTA V shipped. I'm sure the devs are under immense pressure to follow up GTA V and are working around the clock.


Well-known member
22 Jun 2022
West Virginia, USA
How are they resting on their Laurels? It's not like they started making GTA 6 immediately after GTA V shipped. I'm sure the devs are under immense pressure to follow up GTA V and are working around the clock.
We're 5 years out from their most recent game, Red Dead Redemption 2, and 10 years out from the initial release of the most recent GTA. In the meantime, they've re-re-re-released GTA V on every platform known to man and continue to milk it with half-assed updates to the online mode. The only thing more disgraceful at this point is Bethesda with Elder Scrolls, but they've at least released TWO games since Skyrim released nearly 12 years ago (putting aside the quality, we've gotten Fallout 4 and Starfield). R* is going to milk their cash cow, GTA Online, for as long as humanly possible and they obviously have no interest in releasing GTA 6 any time soon because we haven't even gotten so much as a teaser with a logo. I know they're working on it, but does it really have to take this long? They have how many devs working for them? It'd be different if R* proper were the ones who worked on the GTA "remastered" trilogy, but they hired some shitty third-rate studio to phone that one in, so I'm giving them zero slack. I'll be genuinely surprised if we actually get a reveal as rumored on Oct 26.
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10 Mar 2023
We're 5 years out from their most recent game, Red Dead Redemption 2, and 10 years out from the initial release of the most recent GTA. In the meantime, they've re-re-re-released GTA V on every platform known to man and continue to milk it with half-assed updates to the online mode. The only thing more disgraceful at this point is Bethesda with Elder Scrolls, but they've at least released TWO games since Skyrim released nearly 12 years ago (putting aside the quality, we've gotten Fallout 4 and Starfield). R* is going to milk their cash cow, GTA Online, for as long as humanly possible and they obviously have no interest in releasing GTA 6 any time soon because we haven't even gotten so much as a teaser with a logo. I know they're working on it, but does it really have to take this long? They have how many devs working for them? It'd be different if R* proper were the ones who worked on the GTA "remastered" trilogy, but they hired some shitty third-rate studio to phone that one in, so I'm giving them zero slack. I'll be genuinely surprised if we actually get a reveal as rumored on Oct 26.
The entire Rockstar was pulled in to make RDR2 lol. Just like they have the lion share of devs now on GTA 6. It took them 5 years to make GTA V on PS3, it's def gonna take them awhile create their most ambitious open world game. They know they have a lot riding on it and can't fuck it up. It's def coming next year. They don't tease GTA by the way. They just drop the trailer lol. GTA online is very important to Rockstar. I don't understand why people still shit on it as IF it's a bad thing? GTA online is fantastic and deserves to be supported until the servers go dead lol. And I have no issues with them porting GTA 5, people love the game, why not keep milking it. It's more money to fund the 400 - 500 million GTA 6 budget


Well-known member
22 Jun 2022
West Virginia, USA
It's def coming next year.
I can almost guarantee it's not coming next year. Let's say, hypothetically, it gets a trailer on Oct 26 with a release date set some time next year. They almost always delay beyond their first announced release date, so unless they say it's coming extremely soon (Feb or March), it'll get delayed and come out 2025 at the earliest. But I'm convinced they have nothing to show because they've been too busy raking in money by the dump truck load from GTA Online.
They don't tease GTA by the way.
You sure about that?
I don't understand why people still shit on it as IF it's a bad thing? GTA online is fantastic and deserves to be supported until the servers go dead lol. And I have no issues with them porting GTA 5, people love the game, why not keep milking it. It's more money to fund the 400 - 500 million GTA 6 budget
Fantastic in what way? Coming from someone who has ~800 hours in GTA Online and has platinumed GTA V on PS4, pretty much every major update they've released since around 2016-2017 has been the exact same gameplay loop but with a different coat of paint. Buy an overpriced building, buy upgrades for said building, passively produce (insert focal point of the update), go on a sell mission to make money off said product, rinse and repeat.

I used to want GTA 6, but at this point I'm burned out on the series. I'm sure I'm not the only one. THAT is the problem with them milking GTA V/Online all this time. People get tired of waiting and lose interest. RDR2 was all hands on deck, but did it really have to be? They couldn't have some devs working on GTA 6 simultaneously? Tell me how Insomniac has managed to crank out 7 high quality games since 2014, yet R*, a significantly larger company, has released exactly 1 game and 5 remasters of the same game in that same amount of time. That's not including all the small stuff Insomniac worked on in that same amount of time. RDR2 was impressive, but is it really THAT impressive? I'd take Spider-Man, Miles, Spider-Man 2, and Ratchet over GTA 6.


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3 Jul 2023
Everyone knows it’ll just be the same sophomoric shit aimed at a mental age of 12, no matter the rating.
Totally. My concern is that they lose any comedy edge they had from V (IV was great) given the current culture wars going on.

Other comment OT: Even if the launch date had been official - I can not remember R* making their announced date going back to III


28 Jun 2022
I guess that rumor about them releasing a trailer today was false. Yet another disappointment from R* to add to the pile 🤷🏼
I didn't know there was such rumor. Who spread it so I can add them on my ignore list?