The Never Ending Decline of Xbox


22 Feb 2023

MS has all the money in the world and Xbox fan The Actman is concerned about the state of Xbox and after shutting down Tango Gameworks, the developers behind the acclaimed Hi-Fi Rush. He says he has no faith in Xbox's ability to release high-quality titles after delays, false promises... and a general lack of direction and clarity regarding Game Pass sustainability and a multiplatform strategy.


Well-known member
7 Mar 2024
They have a chance in the near future but after that, the strategy will change if it doesn't work.

The chance being that: alot of casual COD players are playing on ps4 & xone.

So they will make a statement saying next COD will not be on previous gen console & at the same time make it so COD is a day 1 release on GamePass.

As a single player game enjoyer I'd absolutely hate for us to have less headliners because the spots will be taken by fucking COD & it will now also have more MTX.

But if you love COD you might upgrade from ps4 to Xbox Series consoles, because it's included in the service day 1.


28 Jun 2022
Goes to show how completely disconnected from reality that xbox resetera thread is. This was moments before it came out that MS closed those 4 Bethesda studios:

Mr Evil 37


This might be a controversial opinion but I'm not sure if the actual real world perception of Xbox is as bad as people on era think it is.

In certain places or segments of the industry, sure. But overall I don't know if it's as bad as its made out to be.



This might be a controversial opinion but I'm not sure if the actual real world perception of Xbox is as bad as people on era think it is.

In certain places or segments of the industry, sure. But overall I don't know if it's as bad as its made out to be.
"I definitely don't think it's that bad in the US. It's not at peak 360 era brand perception here but it also isn't some disaster. I can't speak to the rest of the world at all"

Im convinced UraMallas is Senjitsu Sages account, just toned down alot.


19 Dec 2023
Xbox just has no real brand identity since the 360 and their few large long term IPs have been middling at best in recent years. Compared to Nintendo, who have had several big ups and downs through the generations, Xbox is just incapable of getting out of the death spiral no matter what they do.
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19 May 2024
Hell, if anything, Xbox Has been declining since 2010 with the Kinect. Its been primarily Luck that the Xbox Brand has even survived this long, really, as the PS3 actually outsold the 360 in the long run, and then, the Xbox One happened, and well, you all know what happened there...


28 Jun 2022
Very Nostalgic Discussion:

(Mauler and crew do an excellent job reviewing movies and tv shows too)