The World of Tanks franchise generated $7 billion in revenue as of 2024


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
I really wonder how they're holding up these days. For those who have forgotten, the company basically divided itself in half because of the war in Ukraine. Despite being Belarussian (well, Cypriot in theory, but the founder was a Belarussian and the main studio was in Minsk) it picked a pro-Ukrainian approach and sold off or laid off all staff in Russia and Belarus. The games are still maintained there (its most popular markets, proportionally) but by a different company with no crossover.

edit: Timur's Twitter is interesting, he's rumoring VR Metro, maybe thats what will be in Sony's SoP if that other rumor ends up being correct.


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
And folks wondered why Sony wanted to pivot to GaaS...

We know why, they just havent been very good at it.

They could have easily put playstation characters in destruction all star, instead of generic fortnite looking ones

They could have easily made another smash clone like multi versus
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
We know why, they just havent been very good at it.

They could have easily put playstation characters in destruction all star, instead of generic fortnite looking ones

They could have easily made another smash clone like multi versus
I mean its not like they have tried much. Give them a chance.

But agreed, they should of put Playstation characters and maybe done something like Mod Car racers (which played great). Then include characters from other IPs like Fornite have.

And also another PS All Stars now that there characters are so much more popular than ever.
Spiderman, Artreus, Old Kratos, Jin, Joel, Ellie, Astrobot, Venom and Wolverine being in it would be top too
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