Ultimate showdown!!!..who gets destroyed?! Xbox vs Playstation || Game Pass destroys the industry or saves it || ABK acquisition ||


1 Jul 2022

So frustrating... They were so close to connect the dots and reveal the truth about this issue and the drama surrounding it.

plain and simple:

Game Pass drama should exclusively revolve around AAA Day One Games. Its existence is simply an evolution of subscription services like PS+/Games with Gold—where you pay money and get games. Small/AA games and legacy content should be their main focus.

The issue arises with Phil's promise of releasing First Party Games on Game Pass

This creates a situation similar to what's happening with Disney+, HBO Max, Netflix, etc. When you observe how they need these big and costly series, movies, and a constant stream of lesser content to grow their services.

Is just not viable to spent 200M+ in a AAA game and then give it away for free in sub service when you can make 3 times its development cost in couple of months or even less. Conversely, Smaller games are not big enough to attract mainstream subscribers.

Nowadays big games are functioning as their own platforms/services (MTXs/Season Pass)....what beats the best deal in gaming? ... if not actual Free To Play games.

I find puzzling that Colin's argument against consolidation doesn't bring up their destructive nature or side effects like:

People leaving.
people being fired.
Internal turmoil
power vacuums
culture clash

Consolidation happens in any industry at some point. But he keesp focusing how MS "is growing in the wrong way"...He has an emotional and romantic way of seeing acquisitions. But he is right that MS is not an entertainment company....they are a subscription-enterprise solutions one.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Just getting started and lord, PS going in with a big disadvantage with brainlet Colin going in on their side versus whoever these other two shitheads are. One of them's Bri'ish.

Edit: Further in and the podcast is going pretty well. But then Colin has to go ahead and step on a rake over not wanting to play Starfield because its "too big." Totally divorced from reality, the type of shit you'd only hear from someone who plays games as a job instead of a hobby.

Edit 2: And now he's talking about trophies. Fucking embarrassing.
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