What annoys you about gaming/gaming industry?


Dixon Cider Ltd.
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22 Jun 2022
I'm STILL pissed off that child me didn't know the SEGA Nomad existed.

I'm STILL pissed that PS Portal exists. I'm over the crude shape now, but the remote play only aspect is beyond insulting. DOA as Deck and Ally, and more are already here. And they had the other missing components there on the Vita already like downloadability/native storage and streaming of games too iirc. It's like responding to the first car with a faster horse, you're still not upto speed.

Who's the scared bitch at Sony HQ who cried off portables? Shudda just made a PS Nomad (Vita with shoulder buttons/sticks and specialist PSNow-XMB style cut-down PS4 OS. A different hardware OS configuration profile, akin to launch vs pro settings, or PS4 VR menu options only being visible from inside the helmet in VR Mode, the curated version of the PS4 OS tied to the style of hardware that's calling for it. Im making sense right?


Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
... And if I could at least watch media apps on it I'd appreciate it more as a workaround machine, but media apps don't work over remote play. It's a half product and I'm still pissed they've lost 10 odd years in the portable space like idiots.
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Active member
1 Sep 2023
-Studio closures after mismanagement. For example, Arkane Austin made Prey which is one of the best games ever made. They made Redfall and clearly it wasn't their fault and they closed the studio like it's fault of the devs. That's something I respect for Sony and Nintendo. They always retain their talent. Xbox lost so many talent because of their mismanagement. Now they can't find studios to revive their dormant IPs.

-P2W monetization. I am not against microtransactions if the game is live service. But locking heroes or other gameplay content behind battle pass? C'mon.

-Skins that don't fit at game's art direction. Prime example is Call of Duty. The game should have military aesthetics meanwhile we have colorful childish skins. I miss noir atmosphere of Black Ops 1, 2.

-Games that are fixed years later. I adored Cyberpunk 2077. It's one of my favorite games of all time but c'mon. I've waited 3 years to play the game. If the game is not ready, delay it!

-Announcing the games too early. What's the point announcing your game if it's at least 4 years away unless it's extremely popular IP?

-AAA games having UI like mobile games. This annoys me a lot. Just look at Diablo IV's UI. It's like a mobile game or cheap MMO. Make it cleaner.

-Copy paste content. I mean it's okay devs to use some previous assets but why just copy paste game x and make game y. That's why I don't like Ubisoft games. Be more creative.
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Evil Aloy

Active member
3 May 2024
GaaS. I hate the vast majority of those gambling dens disguised as videogames.
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27 Feb 2024
I hate how bethesda and ubisoft are in business, Hate that there are no 1st party AAA JRPG's from Sony, Hate how any Final Fantasy discussion is marred by salty xbots instead of how its the greatest JRPG series.
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Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
- Due to GaaS like gamepass, success is now being measured in hours of play instead of sales, leading to massive bloating and inorganic live service components.

- DEI indoctrination mandated by CFOs screwing up story-writing, NPCs, main characters, etc. Everything is now written by committee through neverending checklists guided by questionable values.

- Studios who used to do great single player games stop doing so because they nail one live service game that then needs to be supported until the end of times.
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8 May 2023
IPs ruined by shoehorned agendas.

GPU tech progressing at a snail pace. The ray tracing/upscaling scam.

Games taking forever to be made.

Game designers having shit taste and not knowing the history of the medium.

Critics/fans being very harsh with AA games but drooling over the umpteenth metroidvania, first person horror, boomer shooter.

Capcom taking resident evil in the wrong direction again. No love for OG fans that put the franchise in the map.

Lack of love for fixed camera angles in gaming and the unanimous presence of the tired over the shoulder camera. Giving all games an Unreal engine fan project look.

In an era of reboots and remakes, not even a slight mention of legacy of KAIN.
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12 Jun 2023
Microsoft yep that's it. Started all the problems we have today and only getting worse.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
Current media and shills, spreading anti-consumer propaganda like "physical is dead", "exclusives are bad", "cloud is the future".

Always-online single-player games.

Games sold physically but requiring a download.

The direction Nintendo went with TLoZ.

Sony porting games to PC, reducing the quality and quantity of their output.

Ueda seemlingly beeing unable to finish a project.

Open-world being shoehorned in games unnecessarily, like in Elden Ring.
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