What were your system sellers and hidden gems of a console?,


Dixon Cider Ltd.
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22 Jun 2022
THQ/YUKES used to be a powerhouse. WWF SD in may, WWF SD2 in Xmas period, then WWF SD3 next Xmas period, and so on. Each game back then had new matches or mechanics/features between them. And when WWF SD JBI was and launch/early PS2 gen game that wasn't still on the last gen made me get a PS2 a.s.a.p.

Another early hidden gem was The Bouncer. Don't think many gave it a try for its short run time. I sortof looked at it like I would a Streets Of Rage or Dynamite Cop, even if it wasn't quite the same style, I mean as a "run" to blast through in an afternoon etc.
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Well-known member
12 May 2024
Going off of my (bad) memory:
PS1 - Koudelka
PS2 - The Bouncer
PS3 - 3D Dot Game Heroes
PS4 - White Night (2015)
PS5 - ??? I guess either Kona II, or Oxenfree 2

PSP - Brave Story: New Traveler
PS Vita - Severed

PS: I wasn't sure if you wanted Playstation exclusives or not, so I just did a mix.
Also, I went with Hidden Gems, and not system sellers. Two totally different things.
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Active member
15 Dec 2023
xbox- Halo
360 - Blue Dragon
One - no noted games, back compat
Series - waiting

PS1 - Spyro
PS2 - baldur’s Gate Dark alliance/champions of Norrath
PS3 - Last of Us
Vita - Gravity Rush
Ps4 - Persona 5
PS5 - Final Fantasy Rebirth

Gameboy- Pokemon Yellow
Advance - Pokemon Ruby
DS - Pokemon Diamond
3DS - Fire Emblem Fates
Gamecube - Pokemone Gale of Darkness
Wii - The Last Story
Wii U- Xenoblade X
Switch - xenoblade 2


14 Jul 2022
The PS1 was where I discovered Final Fantasy and I'm still a fan to this day. Back then, renting was still a very common way of playing games and a friend and I decided to pick up a game called Silent Hill one night. We played it, were scared out of our minds, and I've been a SH fan ever since.

Once the PS2 rolled around, I read a review about SMT: Nocturne and was intrigued. From there, I ended up playing and loving Persona 3 and DDS after playing Nocturne. The PS2 was where I discovered Atlus games and have been a fan of them ever since.

For the PS3, it was Demon's Souls. It was a small title with little fanfare, but something about it intrigued me. I've been a Souls fan ever since.

For PS4, it was NieR Automata and Replicant. I'd seen Drakengard back in the PS3 days and never picked it up (which I regret), but after watching some game play and hearing the music of NieR Automata - I decided to check out it out. I've become a Yoko Taro fan now and look forward to whatever he may create in the future.
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