#WorldofWarcraft: Cataclysm Classic Announced, Coming in Q1 2024 | Blizzcon 2023

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States

  • Season of Discovery coming to WoW Classic, with things like Warlock tanks and Mage healers. Capped at 25 with a level 25 endgame.

A Return to the World-Altering Events of Azeroth

Cataclysm Classic, a reimagined version of the 2010 expansion, is set to transport players back to the world-altering events of Azeroth. Fans of the MMORPG have longed for the days of Deathwing’s fiery wrath, and now they will have the chance to experience the expansion once again, but with a twist. Blizzard is taking a unique approach by actively involving the player community in shaping this recreation of Cataclysm.

Player-Driven Development: A New Approach

During the announcement, J. Allen Brack, President of Blizzard Entertainment, took to the stage and addressed the enthusiastic crowd. He emphasized the importance of community feedback and the close relationship between players and developers. “We’ve been listening to your passionate discussions about what you loved and didn’t love in Cataclysm, and we’re excited to bring a Cataclysm Classic experience that incorporates your valuable input,” Brack announced.

A Dynamic Feedback Loop with Players

Blizzard intends to create a dynamic feedback loop with the player base to make adjustments to the Cataclysm Classic experience. Players will have the opportunity to participate in surveys, forums, and beta testing, offering suggestions and opinions on changes they’d like to see in the classic version of the expansion.

Refining the Classic Experience

Some of the initial changes discussed during the presentation include rebalancing of class abilities, addressing difficulty spikes in certain dungeons and raids, and refining the pacing of content progression. Blizzard is keen to keep the spirit of Cataclysm intact while making the experience more enjoyable and engaging for both newcomers and veterans.

Excitement Among the Player Base

This novel approach to involving the community in the development of a classic expansion has generated a wave of excitement among World of Warcraft players. Longtime fan Sarah Thornton said, “I can’t believe they’re letting us have a say in how Cataclysm Classic will turn out. It’s a dream come true for many of us who’ve been playing for years.”

A Release on the Horizon

Blizzard Entertainment aims to release Cataclysm Classic with community-driven changes in the near future, but a specific release date has not yet been provided.

A Testament to Blizzard’s Strong Bond with Players

BlizzCon 2023’s announcement of Cataclysm Classic with player-inspired changes is not only a celebration of nostalgia but also a testament to the strong bond between Blizzard and its passionate player base. World of Warcraft players are now eagerly looking forward to reliving the epic battles and challenges of Cataclysm while shaping the classic experience with their feedback.
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