How is it proving anything ? A random dude say "OK MS admit it was them" and now it becomes a fact ?
I love NeoGAF but I wanted to take some distance because it is too crowded of Sony fanboys (more than that, I'd say it is a religion to some of them) but here seems to be the same.
I play on every machine, I don't consider Sony execs or MS execs as my "buddies", nor as my "nemesis" but come on this is becoming ridiculous.
The only real answer we can honestly all have about all this shit is : we don't know.
It could be a Xbox consoles issue as it has been with BG3, and some other games, it could be Sony paying for a temp (even short) exclusivity deal, they do this all the time, remember y'all that Stellar Blade was first announced on PS4/Xone and finally released exlusively on PS5 after Sony told them "ok we give you money, we help us port the game as good as possible on PS5 and cancel the launch on Xbox".
They could have done this on BMW too. Those devs are unexperimented on consoles (look how the game is running) so they could take the $$$ and the help of Sony for the dev in exchange of a temp exclusivity deal.
"Bubububbububut why they don't market it ? huh?" well BMW has been the subject of many tweets from PlayStation official accounts, BMW is the homepage of the PS5 Store... We don't have access to all deals that happens.
And seriously "who benefits of gngngngn" and who benefits of people saying "look again the XSS/XSX is annoying to dev on" ?
We don't know... Until we don't have an official statement we know nothing. Stop fighting for brands who don't give a fuck about you guys, important are the games.