Yoshitaka Tamaki has passed away (character designer of Shining series, Alundra and other games


28 Jun 2022

Yoshitaka Tamaki passed away from lung cancer on July 13, 2023. He had continued to receive medical treatment in accordance with his wish to continue working until the end, but he passed away from the disease. The funeral was attended only by close family members.I hope that the work that he dedicated his life to as a game creator will always be remembered.Thank you very much.

Dick Jones

Corporate Dick
Icon Extra
5 Jul 2022
I loved Landstalker as a kid. I need to give that another go on my Switch. Some great games in his cv. RIP.

Fuck cancer!


Icon Extra
28 May 2023

Rest easy. He did the designs *and* story for Feda, a tactical RPG with some similarities to Shining Force.
24 Jun 2022
Its a great trilogy. Glad you like it. Are you gonna play them with the translation patch?

Yep; otherwise it'd be impossible for me, without knowing any Japanese. I wanted to get to a few other RPGs between Scenarios tho; my time for Scenario 1 is like 125 hours 🤣 (a lot of that spent in menus thinking about stuff, admittedly).

If anyone's new to SRPGs I'd definitely recommend SF3; just the right level of challenge, not overly complicated with its game systems (while still having a nice degree of depth with certain stuff that's very useful but mostly optional), strong story, likeable cast all-around, great music, and aspects that are close to JRPGs in design like going between towns.


Rest easy. He did the designs *and* story for Feda, a tactical RPG with some similarities to Shining Force.

May've vaguely heard of this one, but I'll do more reading up on it now knowing who was involved with character designs.