You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy (according to Phil Spencer)


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
We're having GP system because MS want to monopolize the game industry just how Amazon killed the competetors by buying things cheap until the competetors tires out.

if MS is trying to push gaming into a situation like Netlflix where you never own anything, then that's misguided. That's because gaming is a HOBBY, not just entertainment like a TV show. You put into a game and stick with it. I still have ancient save files from beating Sephiroth in Kingdom hearts on the PS2 from ages ago because it was a gaming accomplishment for me personally, and I still have the physical disc and manual. That's because it was MY experience with what's now a piece of software on stone aged tech, and that means something to me. It's not "leaving Gamepass."

MS also seems to push Anstream which is downright crazy. If you're a twitch-fest action fan (like with shmups) with any interest in input lag test, there's no way cloud gaming is viable, and yes I've tried it. I'm not saying you can't have fun with it, but for serious gaming it's not there yet and I don't know how it could be anytime soon.

if MS is looking at this like the future of the gaming business, then they don't understand gaming, which is: it's an actual HOBBY. The push for cloud gaming is a sign along the same lines that's even worse.


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30 Jun 2022
Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office


22 Jul 2022
lol no, because microsoft still owns everything. also communism only applies to productive assets like factories, farmland, etc. and says nothing of personal possessions. this is the opposite of communism
You’re over analysing


26 Jun 2022
if MS is trying to push gaming into a situation like Netlflix where you never own anything, then that's misguided. That's because gaming is a HOBBY, not just entertainment like a TV show.
I'm still watching Seinfeld.


26 Jun 2022
Lol no. Being happy because no boss profits off of your coerced labor is communism.
Nobody coerces you into any specific work, neither would you be free to do as you will under communism... these people really like to decide everything from the central committee.

So don't worry, you can't own anything under communism, not even your time and you have no choice but to be happy and work, whether or not you want to you will have guaranteed work for for life.
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8 May 2023
The biggest shock to me is them admitting their console gamers are put last. They don't care about consoles and see the majority of their users outside of them by 2030.
They say this while making >80% of their money from the console. This and Phils condescending tone about how Nintendo relying on hardware is somehow a detriment just show how truly braindead that guy is.
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5 Sep 2023
Microsoft is probably pushing hard for cloud, simply because it has a hugely successful cloud business, and the common logic in typical western business is synergy, bringing your assets together to achieve maximum value, in this case, the other asset being Xbox gaming, sort of.

Cloud certainly has some kind of future in this hobby, my awesome Perfect Dark XBLA sessions last year while away from home attest to that, but Microsoft’s obsession is revealing, particularly with the hybrid cloud/console system coming in 2028. Nobody asked for a return of the POWAH OF THE CLOWD.

It’s basically why you don’t want corporations with no real interest in gaming itself, in the hobby. Sony proved itself long ago. Microsoft’s leaders from Kinect, to Xbox One, to the current stupid directions has always seen enthusiast gaming and gamers as an off-ramp to greater profits and greener pastures and been quick to dump them, whether for the living room multimedia box dream, casual gaming, or now the cloud obsession.
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