PlayStation poor acquisition targets & seemingly directionless as a platform/storefront holder


28 Jun 2022
Bungie and Firesprite both seem like duds to me. All the others seem fine so far. I think itd be best if they invested in publisher partners from not on though.


Well-known member
7 Mar 2024
Bungie and Firesprite both seem like duds to me. All the others seem fine so far. I think itd be best if they invested in publisher partners from not on though.
Horizon call of the mountain was good. Hopefully we see a console game from firesprite though.


27 Jun 2023
they had opportunities to acquire companies like Capcom back in 2014/2015 when they were bankrupt, had oportunities to buy Square Enix, had opportunities to buy Namco, they literally could've bought Rockstar when they were starting to achieve huge numbers in the PS2 generation, they had the opportunity to buy Marvel back in the 90s...

how can their biggest division not receive billions to make acquisitions but their Movie/Music division can? i'll never understand it, now they're preparing to make a 10B acquisition of Paramount, with this amount of Money they can literally have 50+ studios making AAA games back to back for PlayStation


23 Apr 2023
Preach. I’m still dumbfounded that they couldn’t even invest $300 million to get FROMSOFTWARE after Dark Souls’s success. Some (non-creative) parts of Sony are rotten to the ground.


21 Jun 2022
When wanting to talk about some topic, it would be nice to reuse the existing threads about that same topic instead of to keep opening multiple threads about the same thing.

I also suggest to use a title like "Sony is doomed and Jimbo is the antichrist", "fanfic megathread" or something like that.


Icon Extra
12 Jan 2024
It's amazing, im one of the very few XBOX guys on this forum and yet, im hyped and happier with Sony and PlayStation 5 than others here. SMFH!! LMAO!!!


27 Jun 2023
Not getting Atlus and FromSoftware is something I'll never understand.
Atlus, Fromsoft, Capcom, Square Enix, Rockstar Sony acquisition team is oblivious. I’d say Sony could’ve bought Riot. Riot selling to the Chinese just tell me that no one wanted them even thoe it was obvious Riot are heavily talented studio & holds a grip in pc gaming w it’s pc centric games like league of legend & valorant both being console exclusive would’ve been massive both of those ip being heavily rich to expand into cross media & mobile. There’s a video in gaming acquisition & Sony missed out on some pretty big names great video.

Sony needs to pull the trigger more with these studios that proved themselves to produce quality games. Arc System work is another gem
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Admin | Mod
21 Jun 2022
Can we stop making posts almost every day about how much you love Sony /sarcasm
We see it @Etifilio


25 Mar 2023
Atlus, Fromsoft, Capcom, Square Enix, Rockstar Sony acquisition team is oblivious. I’d say Sony could’ve bought Riot. Riot selling to the Chinese just tell me that no one wanted them even thoe it was obvious Riot are heavily talented studio & holds a grip in pc gaming w it’s pc centric games like league of legend & valorant both being console exclusive would’ve been massive both of those ip being heavily rich to expand into cross media & mobile. There’s a video in gaming acquisition & Sony missed out on some pretty big names great video.

Sony needs to pull the trigger more with these studios that proved themselves to produce quality games. Arc System work is another gem
They missed the time on pretty much everything worth buying, they sealed their fate.


21 Jun 2022
Atlus, Fromsoft, Capcom, Square Enix, Rockstar Sony acquisition team is oblivious. I’d say Sony could’ve bought Riot. Riot selling to the Chinese just tell me that no one wanted them
The Chinese were the one with the biggest amount of money and the ones who could offer the the biggest benefits outside the money. Regarding all these companies, maybe none of them waanted to sell to Sony and this is why they didn't do it. Sony can't buy them if they don't want to sell.

mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
they had opportunities to acquire companies like Capcom back in 2014/2015 when they were bankrupt, had oportunities to buy Square Enix, had opportunities to buy Namco, they literally could've bought Rockstar when they were starting to achieve huge numbers in the PS2 generation, they had the opportunity to buy Marvel back in the 90s...

how can their biggest division not receive billions to make acquisitions but their Movie/Music division can? i'll never understand it, now they're preparing to make a 10B acquisition of Paramount, with this amount of Money they can literally have 50+ studios making AAA games back to back for PlayStation

Not getting Atlus and FromSoftware is something I'll never understand.

Preach. I’m still dumbfounded that they couldn’t even invest $300 million to get FROMSOFTWARE after Dark Souls’s success. Some (non-creative) parts of Sony are rotten to the ground.

Atlus, Fromsoft, Capcom, Square Enix, Rockstar Sony acquisition team is oblivious. I’d say Sony could’ve bought Riot. Riot selling to the Chinese just tell me that no one wanted them even thoe it was obvious Riot are heavily talented studio & holds a grip in pc gaming w it’s pc centric games like league of legend & valorant both being console exclusive would’ve been massive both of those ip being heavily rich to expand into cross media & mobile. There’s a video in gaming acquisition & Sony missed out on some pretty big names great video.

Sony needs to pull the trigger more with these studios that proved themselves to produce quality games. Arc System work is another gem

A lot of you guys really lack the understanding required to navigate the context here.

Sony was struggling as a company for much of the 2010s and only largely got back in good standing in the last few years.

Sony owned like 10% of Square Enix and had to sell those shares in 2014 because they weren't doing so hot. So the idea that it was going to invest heavily into studios and publishers is entirely misguided.

FromSoftware was purchased in April 2014, the same month that Sony sold Square Enix shares. Since the time Sony sold their square enix stock, the company has barely grown.

There are only so many games Sony can publish in a year before their games are competing against themselves, especially now when so many games come out. Buying a multitude of studios, and taking on their debt, isn't an easy recipe for success. Right now Sony gets 30% of these company's sales, without putting a dime into their game development and that pie is going to increase now that Xbox is pretty dead as a brand.

Going back to the GTA3 days, Sony wasn't going to buy Rockstar, which would have required buying T2 Interactive, because gaming wasn't nearly as profitable back then and while GTA was a massive property, T2 wasn't worth it back then. They largely became worth it after they were able to parlay their success from GTA into Red Dead and the successful purchase of Visual Concepts.

Sony not buying Visual Concepts, I think was their biggest mistake, but there are good reasons to not have done that either. Their big game at the time was NFL 2K and EA and the NFL had just made a deal for exclusivity. NHL 2K and NBA 2K weren't that big at the time and they already had a studio making baseball games.

You'll notice all of the companies Sony bought in the 2000s, and 2010s were all really minor studios. Insomniac was probably the most expensive studio they purchased when they purchased it up until the Bungie purchase. And these were only made possible by the success of the PS4 and the projected success of the PS5, catapulted by a digital storefront, that they didn't have in the PS2 days, which only came to be with the PS3 as a viable option with the increase in broadband in households and as we know the PS3 underperformed, so the money didn't really start rolling in until the PS4.

Even looking at the Bungie buy, I think Sony was afraid Microsoft would buy Bungie back and revitalize Halo. They had already purchased out the major FPS studios and Sony needed to ensure they had a presence in FPS, so I think they paid a premium for those things. To prevent Microsoft from getting a 2nd lease on life and from entirely cornering the FPS market.

The ROI on these big purchases don't tend to be great, buying a lot of these companies now will eat into your 3rd party royalties, make managing the studios you already have more difficult, and there is no guarantee of continued success.

Capcom for example has already remade their most popular modern-ish RE games. There is no guarantee that RE5 and 6 remakes would sell all that well. I think they have potential to do other franchise, but who knows how well they'll sell.

Square Enix is a bad purchase however you spin it.

FromSoftware is really dependent on one guy... that's billions of dollars invested in 1 guy who could leave anytime he wants.

Atlus wasn't worth buying until Persona 5 or 4 at best and not buying them really isn't a needle mover, but again they were purchased in 2013 when Sony was having problems financially.

SIE unlike Sony Pictures and Sony Music has to invest in hardware R&D and production every cycle. It's not JUST IP with them.


Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
It's because they don't know what they're doing. Some of us being saying stuff like this since about 2014.
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