Tom Warren @Verge banned (for just 1 day)from Resetera for console warring


26 Jun 2022
This is especially fucked if you're a woman. They're extremely intimidated by argumentative women and will literally warn you, or even ban you on sight if you so much as talk back at them for any reason, it's mega funny because you can tell it's micropenis behaviour. If you pay attention, you'll see that anyone who's vehement about their beliefs, if they are very obviously female, they usually have a huge history of issues with the mods. And I've been told that's the case from users who knew them as regulars prior to becoming mods, so lol.
How does one even know who's a girl? I always assume that a portion of the female looking accounts (avatar or handle) are guys who just like to show some image of a woman showing skin or something.

Either way, happy to know we are not in a sausage party 🥳.
16 Feb 2023
Resetera is absolutely the worst. Absolutely no sympathy for devs on this despite being a 'friendly space' and banning people for calling out the hypocrisy. But then they don't allow people to discuss AI or Harry Potter because it would hurt peoples feelings. Typical social justice warrior shit where their righteous crusade ends the second it actually even vaguely inconveniences them.


Icon Extra
28 May 2023
Resetera is absolutely the worst. Absolutely no sympathy for devs on this despite being a 'friendly space' and banning people for calling out the hypocrisy. But then they don't allow people to discuss AI or Harry Potter because it would hurt peoples feelings. Typical social justice warrior shit where their righteous crusade ends the second it actually even vaguely inconveniences them.
Haven’t heard the term “SJW” in a while.

I wouldn’t even classify them that way. They just seem like garden variety assholes.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Imagine thinking era is biased towards Playstation.
They all think that way and that makes it even more scary. They need a total safe space where they 100% control the narrative with no criticism at all about Xbox.

1 positive news about Playstation and they call it a Sony forum. Same for "SonyGAF" when the xbots are there in huge numbers and everywhere.
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Snes nes

4 Aug 2023
Well getting a resetera ban does sound like a fun speed run. I’d have to try it sometime. all I need to Say is firries suck or something in offensive and factual like that.
24 Jun 2022
They banned literally anybody who stans for Microsoft on Resetera? What's next, pigs flying?

My account's thread-banned from the acquisition thread because I said I thought the acquisition was the beginning of the end for the industry as we know it, and for the worst. Meanwhile, there's people in there literally calling for the defunding of every form of market regulation, calling the head of the FTC "a bitch", making literal accusations that Sony has CMA "in their pocket" (ironic given the immediate family of that very same judge -- I'll let y'all Google that one), and not even receiving warnings.

This is especially fucked if you're a woman. They're extremely intimidated by argumentative women and will literally warn you, or even ban you on sight if you so much as talk back at them for any reason, it's mega funny because you can tell it's micropenis behaviour. If you pay attention, you'll see that anyone who's vehement about their beliefs, if they are very obviously female, they usually have a huge history of issues with the mods. And I've been told that's the case from users who knew them as regulars prior to becoming mods, so lol.

To this day I continue to say the exact same shit I said on my main account, but since it's far more ambiguous what my gender is, I've only been warned once, no other problems so far.

ResetERA is the epitome of false progressivism. From what I understand, they drove a ton of Asian users off the site, you can see racism seeping from various people in the Jonathan Majors thread (a lot of the worst coming from other supposed black ResetERA users no less), the obvious anti-white posts that they let fly by without reprimands, and so on and so forth.

It took a while to notice how they treat dissenting women/minorities/LGBT etc. on various topics but funny enough all this ABK stuff really exposed a ton of it. Like you said, how they constantly attacked Lina Khan, ran with quasi-xenophobic propaganda saying "b-but Tencent!" to justify MS buying up more 3P was just really disgusting.

Interesting that you're able to post similar stuff on the new account tho and get treated much better moderation-wise, all because it's not immediately identifiable as a woman. It could make good evidence to provide to some place like Kotaku in the future to prove how ResetERA's mods don't practice what they preach (tho we kinda know that already when mods get busted buying & playing Hogwarts Legacy despite banning discussion of the game 😂).
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
How does one even know who's a girl? I always assume that a portion of the female looking accounts (avatar or handle) are guys who just like to show some image of a woman showing skin or something.

Either way, happy to know we are not in a sausage party 🥳.
Yeah I tend to assume near enough all accounts on gaming forums are males weather they have a female profile picture or not 😂