Ignorance & Stupidity on full display in Destin & Pachter video - Youtube


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022

In this video Pachter shows he has no understanding of the regulatory process in the UK

He thinks MSFT can just set up a holding company for Activision but still own it in the UK

He says UK is 20% of Xbox business and they can work around it

He thinks MSFT can bring CMA to court in the same way FTC can be brought to court / appealed

He says XBox's model will screw up the industry, the same way Netflix did the movie industry...

Then goes on to say it is good for consumers but completely ignores the fact he has proven / admitted it is bad for competition and this is primarily about anti-competitive practice.

He has massive holes in his logic, like 'Sony can either adapt or get run over' despite Xbox selling very poorly and the subscription numbers for GP not going anywhere.

His talking points sound juvenile and his reasoning is full of holes...... he sounds like SenjutsuSage or another crazed fanboy.

I am not saying the deal won't go through but this type of stuff is embarrassingly bad. How can somebody have such low moral fiber? How can someone be so disingenuous?


Admin | Mod
21 Jun 2022
Crazy Eyes Meme GIF by MOODMAN


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
I'm amazed by the fact that Pachter doesn't need to make anything in particular, to have an idiotic looking face typical for the Youtube algorithm.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Maybe instead of the opening question, he asked "Do you own shares in any of the companies", ie Microsoft to which Practers answer was no, he should have asked "Has Microsoft employed you or have you been paid by them in any capacity to promote their brand?

Never trust sly wording from people.


8 Jan 2023
Don't want to give Destin a click so thanks for the summary. I don't understand the need for these individual to be a cheerleader and do free marketing for a 2 trillion dollar company. Its to the point that these individuals wake up everyday to think of new ways to spread misinformation to their loyal listeners everyday just to paint a 3rd place loser in a good light to a small echo chamber.

Lets look at the sales charts to see if their spread of misinformation working....nope not at all.
They evangelize this "great value" that is game pass. That is not moving the needle, everyone is still buying Switches and PS5
They try to villainize PlayStation for having exclusive games. Did that move the needle? nope everyone still buying PS5s
Sony is anti consumer, don't support cross play and/or make you pay $70 for games/remakes. People still buying PS5s as soon as their in stock.

And dont get me started on Michael Pachter. When have he ever been right with any of his public declarations?

And who is this video for other than the echo chamber that already bough into their BS? Its certainly not swaying the general public over where it really counts....in sales which in return is keeping this medium healthy. Not this false information being spread on the internet.

Wake me up when Microsoft actually have a console that makes it to a 100 million sold club but until then any of these shills can fuck off like the market already told Xbox to fuck off


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Maybe instead of the opening question, he asked "Do you own shares in any of the companies", ie Microsoft to which Practers answer was no, he should have asked "Has Microsoft employed you or have you been paid by them in any capacity to promote their brand?

Never trust sly wording from people.

Yeah, was actually something I noticed and meant to write down but there's just so much in the video that is either wrong, unethical, misleading or stupid that I just didn't add everything....

I'm absolutely positive he has some beneficial relationship with MSFT.


28 Jun 2022
I wouldnt be shocked at all if Microsoft actually took a guy like pachter seriously. Hes probably their number one consultant and im not being sarcastic. Pachter has always bee a pro MS guy. It would explain them being completely being out of touch 24/7 and not understanding gamers.

Edit: Wasnt he out there saying the ftc wouldnt block and then like literally the next day they did?
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Icon Extra
22 Jan 2023
Maybe I’m understanding this wrong but I’ve always thought MS wants to bleed the competition to death so it can position itself as the only one standing in the aftermath. Gamepass is only a piece of that puzzle and buying publishers to keep games away from the competition adds to that strategy (yea Nintendo and Geforce now really don’t matter that much)

Clearly it’s not working yet but owning call of duty is a big step towards that goal.

I really hope that not the case or that they fail in the process. A monopoly emerging from MS cash resources and their incompetence doesn’t benefit anyone.


10 Jan 2023
How has this man stayed prevalent in forums? I've seen him over the past... 15 years being wrong across the board.


Well-known member
10 Feb 2023
I wouldnt be shocked at all if Microsoft actually took a guy like pachter seriously. Hes probably their number one consultant and im not being sarcastic. Pachter has always bee a pro MS guy. It would explain them being completely being out of touch 24/7 and not understanding gamers.

Edit: Wasnt he out there saying the ftc wouldnt block and then like literally the next day they did?
Guy has no clue about gaming. Every prediction he makes, oposite happens. Its his usual banter, sony and nintendo ll die anytime soon, they cant compete, they re too traditional.
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022

I don't even have the energy to shake my head at that.

It's funny that people are demanding Sony to adapt when it's Microsoft that should be adapting and...you know, actually developing and releasing a steady stream of high quality games.
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