Ignorance & Stupidity on full display in Destin & Pachter video - Youtube


21 Jun 2022
Don't want to give Destin a click so thanks for the summary. I don't understand the need for these individual to be a cheerleader and do free marketing for a 2 trillion dollar company. Its to the point that these individuals wake up everyday to think of new ways to spread misinformation to their loyal listeners everyday just to paint a 3rd place loser in a good light to a small echo chamber.

Lets look at the sales charts to see if their spread of misinformation working....nope not at all.
They evangelize this "great value" that is game pass. That is not moving the needle, everyone is still buying Switches and PS5
They try to villainize PlayStation for having exclusive games. Did that move the needle? nope everyone still buying PS5s
Sony is anti consumer, don't support cross play and/or make you pay $70 for games/remakes. People still buying PS5s as soon as their in stock.

And dont get me started on Michael Pachter. When have he ever been right with any of his public declarations?

And who is this video for other than the echo chamber that already bough into their BS? Its certainly not swaying the general public over where it really counts....in sales which in return is keeping this medium healthy. Not this false information being spread on the internet.

Wake me up when Microsoft actually have a console that makes it to a 100 million sold club but until then any of these shills can fuck off like the market already told Xbox to fuck off
Marketing is never free. He receives his cut in many different ways.


21 Jun 2022
In this video Pachter shows he has no understanding of the regulatory process in the UK

He thinks MSFT can just set up a holding company for Activision but still own it in the UK
One of the solutions the CMA suggested (and Sony agreed) to allow the acquisition would be to allow MS buy ABK without the CoD IP and the CoD teams, who would be divested into a different company not owned by MS/ABK to sell it to someone outside MS/ABK and keep CoD multi forever.

He thinks MSFT can bring CMA to court in the same way FTC can be brought to court / appealed
I assume MS can appeal and send CMA to court if they found something illegal. But a regulator blocking an acquisition of a huge corporatoin because it may be bad for the consumers of their region isn't something illegal, it's their job.

He says XBox's model will screw up the industry, the same way Netflix did the movie industry...
I think it would be the case if Xbox/GP would become dominant in the gaming market, but it isn't the case and I'm pretty sure it never will happen. Game subs and specially cloud gaming are a tiny portion of the gaming revenue and Xbox/GP only represents a small part of that small market.

He has massive holes in his logic, like 'Sony can either adapt or get run over' despite Xbox selling very poorly and the subscription numbers for GP not going anywhere.
Sony is the market leader and doesn't need to adapt to the strategy of the last one in the market. It's nonsensical. MS, the loser, is the one who needs to adapt and improve to compete.

I am not saying the deal won't go through but this type of stuff is embarrassingly bad. How can somebody have such low moral fiber? How can someone be so disingenuous?
He may be a MS fan and maybe is trying to justify that he suggests their clients to invest in MS.

Dick Jones

Corporate Dick
Icon Extra
5 Jul 2022
I stopped at Pachter saying PLC is Publicly Listed Corporation.

Googly Eyes GIF
  • haha
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Dick Jones

Corporate Dick
Icon Extra
5 Jul 2022
It's incredible how ignorant he sounds, how much like a garden variety fanboy....

I dunno if he is hanging out with Dealer or COlt or who but it's definitely rubbed off.
It's an extreme lacking of basic knowledge of business. I think the Wedbush clients will be raging if the merger doesn't go through. Imagine the money lost. Pachter spreading fud and he has skin in the game. The horseshit about no conflict is questionable at best.


10 Jan 2023
Here's a fun quote from 2014
Michael Pachter: PlayStation Now is a joke,” he said in the latest issue of Game Informer “There is no publisher that is going to license content that’s less than two-years old because they would be concerned that they can’t sell as many copies if they make it available for subscription or renta.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Has he ever made any doom / negative predictions for Xbox? I've only seen him make claims/predictions concerning failure for Playstation and Nintendo.

Edit: Looks like he kinda did 10 years ago, though he predicted console gaming in general was going to die soon back then, lol.

Pretty much everything he predicts is pro Xbox / MSFT and anti Sony / PlayStation and if it does SOUND like it is anti-MSFT, it usually has a spin about the industry falling apart and not being sustainable.

I think if MSFT can't win, he would just as soon see the industry collapse.... that type of mentality.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Pretty much everything he predicts is pro Xbox / MSFT and anti Sony / PlayStation and if it does SOUND like it is anti-MSFT, it usually has a spin about the industry falling apart and not being sustainable.

I think if MSFT can't win, he would just as soon see the industry collapse.... that type of mentality.
With MS out of gaming, some shills will go hungry.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Bryank75


Well-known member
10 Feb 2023
Pretty much everything he predicts is pro Xbox / MSFT and anti Sony / PlayStation and if it does SOUND like it is anti-MSFT, it usually has a spin about the industry falling apart and not being sustainable.

I think if MSFT can't win, he would just as soon see the industry collapse.... that type of mentality.
When u mention it i cant remember him saying anything positive about sony, like ever. It was doom with ps3 and how 360 ll finish sony for good. How kinect ll take all wii users and 360 ll sell 200M. And how xbone might reach billion gamers with tv stuff. Holy shit. And i used to watch this moron since gametrailers time.