Recent content by Wing84

  1. W

    Discussion What if Sony offers Decima Engine for 3rd Party devs for free?

    They LITERALLY have a team that does tech support for a engine.
  2. W

    Discussion What if Sony offers Decima Engine for 3rd Party devs for free?

    Ummm. PlayStation literally has a team already that does that...
  3. W

    Discussion i can't see PS6 selling 100M+ with Sony putting singleplayer games on PC

    Most reasonable people wouldn't buy themselves a gaming PC that has the same performance experience as a modern PlayStation due to cost (unless it makes sense for their job). Most people won't buy that for their kids. PlayStation 6 will sell just as well as the PlayStation 5, especially if Xbox...
  4. W

    Discussion What if Sony offers Decima Engine for 3rd Party devs for free?

    Sony is SLLLOOOOOWWWLLY trying to take control of Epic and I'm guessing it's because of their engine (used in movies, TV and gaming) alongside Fortnite. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony realized that they could just create a competitor to Unreal Engine via Decima after seeing how things worked...
  5. W

    Multiplatform Persona Series Sold 2.4 Million Copies From January to March 2024, 5 Million Copies Since April 2023, and 22 Million Copies Life to Date

    It has the same issue as Persona. From what I can tell, either the writing is clearly not from people who's education and/or passion is in writing/storytelling or they dumb down the dialogue to reach a wider audience. It's the common issue I have with videogames and anime. It sucks that...
  6. W

    News Alana Pearce "The quality of games is not relevant anymore. Companies want games where people spent the most time in. "It will only get worse"

    I remember during the PS3 era I was thinking about getting into the gaming industry. I think seeing how EA, Ubisoft(?) and Activision was treating their teams forced me to rethink that.
  7. W

    Multiplatform Persona Series Sold 2.4 Million Copies From January to March 2024, 5 Million Copies Since April 2023, and 22 Million Copies Life to Date

    Really nice to see. The series is a good in betweener/pallet cleanser for me. I know it's not what the fanbase wants, but I'd love for the series to move away from children protagonists, better writing (the anime tier writing is a bit much for non-anime consuming people) and maybe half the...
  8. W

    Discussion Phil Spencer is the reason why xbox it's failing, Microsoft made a big mistake to put Phil as a CEO at Xbox. He has to go.

    Nah. He fucked around, and his subordinates found out. Phil is a millionaire C-suite exec who's probably going to get a huge bonus soon.
  9. W

    Discussion Phil Spencer is the reason why xbox it's failing, Microsoft made a big mistake to put Phil as a CEO at Xbox. He has to go.

    The Microsoft legal documentation leak makes it seem that it was a Phil Spencer thing.
  10. W

    News Nightdive Studios announces PO’ed: Definitive Edition. |UP| Coming May 16th.

    I love these retro boomer shooters. Will def cop.
  11. W

    Discussion Phil Spencer is the reason why xbox it's failing, Microsoft made a big mistake to put Phil as a CEO at Xbox. He has to go.

    Good ol whataboutisms. You sound like the Xbox people when Xbox implemented always online DRM to their console.
  12. W

    Rumor Jeff Grubb reiterates that the PlayStation Showcase is happening this month. |UP| billbil-kun also alludes to it being this month.

    As much as I hate that dude with all of my soul, he's proven to have reliable industry knowledge.
  13. W

    Discussion Phil Spencer is the reason why xbox it's failing, Microsoft made a big mistake to put Phil as a CEO at Xbox. He has to go.

    Are you saying that PlayStation's PC approach is the same as Xbox's? Ugh.