Stellar Blade’s devs Address censorship claims. |UP| Devs state outfit redesigns weren't censorship but intentional.

24 Jun 2022
I, too, am starting to think a lot of this "controversy" is probably being pushed/funded from certain sources BTS. We should probably start asking more questions about Grummz's connections.

I remember he was grifting against the ABK acquisition last year. But you never know, he could've been contacted by "certain parties" BTS to use his grift for something that'd also conveniently feed into console warring and a manufactured "anti-exclusivity" sentiment conveniently aligning with a specific company's desires for the gaming market.

Would be interesting to see people question him on these lines on Twitter.


6 Jan 2024
I typed up a response but it wouldn't post and I lost it.

A small change is still a change.
People who bought the game aren't idiots, those defending the change are the idiots. A crop top today, a game mode tomorrow.

@Johnic you're a moron if you think I'm a Phil Spencer dick rider, considering I slag the guy off and call him a fucking moron at every turn. If you're going to cry about posts on the internet, at least know what you're talking about.

Edit: @Gediminas there is a coup against single player games, 100% there is. It's been like that since The Order 1886. That coup failed on Stellar though and this change is California Sony giving the middle finger to Japan Sony, who needs to take control of playstation again.


Did you like my Glasses, Snake?
21 Jun 2022
Uhm read the person i quoted.

My bad. Point still stands, the change is dumb, unnecessary, and condescending to be honest this is a game being sold to adults, on the strength of tits and ass, and we're being treated like fucking children for some reason
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21 Jun 2022
I went to check out the costumes to see what things were censored there:

But found out that basically all the costumes continue being the same, and only the "Holiday Rabbit" and "Cybernetic Bondage" costumes have been slightly modified to cover her a bit, but not much:




Considering all the other revealing or suggestive costumes that are out there, having only changed this maybe makes me think it isn't censorship, but maybe some game artist wanted to tweak the design a bit.

Regarding the blood splatter covering her body, maybe they reduced/removed it a bit to increase performance.

I think that if it would have really been censorship they'd have changed or removed the other costumes too, and changes would have been more significative. And regarding the blood, they'd have removed dismembrement, but in the intro you still see Tachy's arm clearly chopped off.

I'm all in on letting artist do what they do regarding nudity, sex or violence, and totally against forcing them to censor stuff. But seems that the changes are pretty tiny and I think may have been decided internally by the gamedev team, not being censored by someone else.

I think people is being too overdramatic complaining about censorship, even if not as much as the people complaining for having good looking women and revealing costumes in videogames.
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21 Jun 2022
I went to check out the costumes to see what things were censored there:

But found all the costumes are the same, and only the "Holiday Rabbit" and "Cybernetic Bondage" costume have been slightly modified to cover her a bit:




Considering all the other revealing or suggestive costumes that are out there, having only changed this maybe makes me think it isn't censorship, but maybe some game artist wanted to tweak the design a bit.

Regarding the blood splatter covering her body, maybe they reduced/removed it a bit to increase performance.

I think that if it would have really been censorship they'd have changed or removed the other costumes too, and changes would have been more significative. And regarding the blood, they'd have removed dismembrement, but in the intro you still see Tachy's arm clearly chopped off.

I'm all in on letting artist do what they do regarding nudity, sex or violence, and totally against forcing them to censor stuff. But seems that the changes are pretty tiny and I think may have been decided internally by the gamedev team, not being censored by someone else.
This is pretty good idea, about tweaking design.


Did you like my Glasses, Snake?
21 Jun 2022
But found all the costumes are the same, and only the "Holiday Rabbit" and "Cybernetic Bondage" costume have been slightly modified to cover her a bit

I'd like to actually hear a statement on what they were thinking regarding these specific changes. Any answer would seem completely absurd to me in a game that has the focus this game does and that showcases her ass the way it does.


28 Jun 2022
I went to check out the costumes to see what things were censored there:

But found out that basically all the costumes continue being the same, and only the "Holiday Rabbit" and "Cybernetic Bondage" costumes have been slightly modified to cover her a bit, but not much:




Considering all the other revealing or suggestive costumes that are out there, having only changed this maybe makes me think it isn't censorship, but maybe some game artist wanted to tweak the design a bit.

Regarding the blood splatter covering her body, maybe they reduced/removed it a bit to increase performance.

I think that if it would have really been censorship they'd have changed or removed the other costumes too, and changes would have been more significative. And regarding the blood, they'd have removed dismembrement, but in the intro you still see Tachy's arm clearly chopped off.

I'm all in on letting artist do what they do regarding nudity, sex or violence, and totally against forcing them to censor stuff. But seems that the changes are pretty tiny and I think may have been decided internally by the gamedev team, not being censored by someone else.

I think people is being too overdramatic complaining about censorship, even if not as much as the people complaining for having good looking women and revealing costumes in videogames.


8 May 2023
Like it or not the game will get those skimpy skins in 5 seconds once its a available on PC so they should be available on consoles anyway.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
Is Grummz going to stop the petition? It wasn’t because of Sony.
I also thought it was strange to assume it happened because of Sony, considering we still got skimpier outfits than the ones getting extra layers of clothes. Like the Prototype or Black Pearl.

OTOH I also don't get why they put those extra clothes on a patch... surely they thought people would notice and react to what would be perceived as censorship.. I'd really like to hear the rationale from one of the artists themselves. Their CEO just saying "this is just how we envisioned those suits" sounds like kind of an evasive answer.

They should still release it because the backlash was so intense. It would be good PR.

I agree. Releasing the original versions of those suits would do wonders to their brand IMO.
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Active member
1 Mar 2024
To put an end to this debacle, Shift Up just released very similar suits to the ones they "censored" in their day1 patch versions together with the latest update that also brings QoL improvements and new game mode.

Just head up to the Hard R R-Store and they're available for purchase.


I hope this puts the censorship BS to rest. The red outfit is almost identical to the 1.0 bunny outfit.
  • they're_right_you_know
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21 Jun 2022
To put an end to this debacle, Shift Up just released very similar suits to the ones they "censored" in their day1 patch versions together with the latest update that also brings QoL improvements and new game mode.

Just head up to the Hard R R-Store and they're available for purchase.

people : Sony, Shift Up, how dare you censor our game

Shift up : Hold my beer Sony..
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4 Aug 2023
I hope this puts the censorship BS to rest. The red outfit is almost identical to the 1.0 bunny outfit.
We'll never know what happened, though. I always thought the censorship angle was strange because they have suits that are more revealing than the ones who got extra layers of fabric in the day-1 patch.
I mean just look at the Prototype Diving Suit:

However, Sony and/or Shift Up caved pretty quickly to Kotaku & Co. complaining about the R-Store logo being next to a "Hard" graffiti, and the suits with the extra fabric appeared in the same patch as they switched the "Hard" wall texture with one that says "Crime". The assumption that the suits were part of a broader censorship movement doesn't seem that unreasonable.

Though what I think is most important right now is that Shift Up did the kindness of releasing those suits for free right on the next patch. This is great.
If anything, the dev should get lots of goodwill points from gamers.
  • they're_right_you_know
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