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  1. Anton

    Discussion Colin Moriarty says Sony should sell Bungie, PlayStation rethinking its Live Service strategy...

    They need to finish Marathon and then do a single player game with a multiplayer mode, like the old days. People would love that. I think even Xbox guys would praise it and want to play a classic Bungie campaign.
  2. Anton

    Discussion Colin Moriarty says Sony should sell Bungie, PlayStation rethinking its Live Service strategy...

    Bungie is a great studio with some of the best shooting mechanics and that is something Sony desperately need, not just the games as a service side. They might not make games for people like Colin but they have a very big audience and massive potential. Let them work on the games they excel...
  3. Anton

    Discussion Famitsu Sales: Week 44, 2023 (Oct 23 - Oct 29) Super Mario Bros Wonder #1

    My reaction to XBox outselling PS5 for even a single week
  4. Anton

    Playstation Spider-Man 2 has sold more than 2.5 Million copies in first 24 hours

    Because Germans are sadomasochists.