Colin Moriarty says Sony should sell Bungie, PlayStation rethinking its Live Service strategy...


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Exactly what many PS fans did discuss recently. Nobody with a clear mind and upright heart would wish for Sony losing their path and drifting into empty Live Service irrelevance. I can remember the clowns here rooting for Jim Ryan wanting to go all in GaaS and said buying Japanese pubs would be the dumbest thing Sony could do. We live in a clown world. 🤡


22 Jun 2022
Bungie is the way they are currently because Sony have let them operate with sovereignty. If anything, getting more hands-on with them will help clean up the seemingly troubled upper-level management, and better to do that now than later.

Right now Bungie and it’s employees seem like a bunch of entitled brats.

They want independence yet sold their asses to Sony.

This isn’t just an upper management issue. It’s throughout the company.

You even had an AI developer at Bungie slating a Sony game just cause someone made a joke about COD.

It’s about time Sony takes full control.


Dixon Cider Ltd.
22 Jun 2022
Tips on business
#1 Never listen to your "fandom" or "enthusiastic consumer base"
What? That is a rediculous statement.

Game series lose favor/get stale/die out altogether when a consumer base gets pissed at a dev not addressing community issues/not adding requested features.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
I know everyone knows this, but the problem with "betting" on live service games, is that it's literally what you're doing. Getting one to take hold among a large group of users seems like a complete gamble. So throwing so much money and effort after the strategy (12 live service games??), again, feels like gambling. Make a bunch, and just hope a couple stick for that big money.

It just seems like a foolish way to run a business. Make the stuff you know your customers like, and keep getting better at that. Sure, trying to expand into new areas is fine, but ... seems like the way they went about it was too much. But hard to say from the outside looking in.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
I agree they should sell Bungie. They don't need to move on from all live services, but they REALLY shouldn't be taking tips from Bungie because Bungie's MO runs counter to Sony's corporate ethos. Sell Bungie to Ubisoft/EA, that's where they belong.


26 Oct 2023
Bungie is a great studio with some of the best shooting mechanics and that is something Sony desperately need, not just the games as a service side.

They might not make games for people like Colin but they have a very big audience and massive potential.

Let them work on the games they excel in and let the PlayStation Studios focus on what they do best, single player games.
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
I wish some people understood that successful live service games required thousands of people to run. Naughty dog doesn't have the manpower to do it + their own stuff. Same with every other Top PS studio.


12 Jun 2023
I sincerely hope they are moving away from the live service crap. They can have dedicated developers for this, not a problem, but don't stick your best studios working on kiddie shit
Especially when their main competitor had to result to buying a large publisher just to make some profit as a result of their live service example.

I mean hey though on the other hand if they want to try something else mobile is their best bet.
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28 Jul 2023
PlayStation hasn't involved themselves in fps genre from a 1st party standpoint since Killzone. What needs to happen is they need to capitalized on the downfall that is Halo. This full blown GAAS Destiny genre doesn't do it for a segment of folks like myself but if Sony can get Bungie to go back to its root and pump out a high quality AAA fps with an actual single player campaign and traditional multiplayer modes then PS could get back to being a player in the fps genre. Personally, this is what I want Sony to do with Bungie.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Why exactly?

Sony letting Bungie with is just bad business.
They still pretty health in their games.

Is that all due the employee's fear rumos?
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26 Oct 2023
PlayStation hasn't involved themselves in fps genre from a 1st party standpoint since Killzone. What needs to happen is they need to capitalized on the downfall that is Halo. This full blown GAAS Destiny genre doesn't do it for a segment of folks like myself but if Sony can get Bungie to go back to its root and pump out a high quality AAA fps with an actual single player campaign and traditional multiplayer modes then PS could get back to being a player in the fps genre. Personally, this is what I want Sony to do with Bungie.

They need to finish Marathon and then do a single player game with a multiplayer mode, like the old days. People would love that.

I think even Xbox guys would praise it and want to play a classic Bungie campaign.
  • brain
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On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Time stamp? I’m not watching the whole thing.

Anyway, Sony should have never put so much focus on online service games. Their studios we’re not built for that. Traditional multiplayer and add on content type content for their single player games were fine.


8 May 2023
Successful GAAS can attract bunch of players. Shall we wait when these games comes out, huh?
Yea...when they're exclusive! None of Bungie's stuff will be exclusive. If they were, I wouldn't be so against it, but its resources being wasted that do nothing for PS gamers.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Icon Extra
28 May 2023
End any sort of GaaS model and lean into making PS+ more attractive with Day 1 releases for the premium tier - or just have another tier altogether.


9 Dec 2022
Not unwarranted at all, ever since they've joined the fray its been nothing but bad news from them. Not only is their own house in disarray, they've ruined development on Factions 2 for who knows what reason....

Even if Marathon and their other game ends up being very successful, what does that do for PS gamers? Nothing. Those games were going to release regardless except this time Sony's resources are being wasted on supporting Xbox and PC.... Sure Sony will make a lot of money from them if they're successful, but that only emboldens their awful decision to prioritize gaas over single player games and it pushes them harder towards their awful gaas direction.
Bad news about ND also should Sony sell them? If Sony sold everything just because of a lil bad news they would have sold the entire PlayStation brand right now. Ppl are to reactionary and think short term.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Not unwarranted at all, ever since they've joined the fray its been nothing but bad news from them. Not only is their own house in disarray, they've ruined development on Factions 2 for who knows what reason....

Even if Marathon and their other game ends up being very successful, what does that do for PS gamers? Nothing. Those games were going to release regardless except this time Sony's resources are being wasted on supporting Xbox and PC.... Sure Sony will make a lot of money from them if they're successful, but that only emboldens their awful decision to prioritize gaas over single player games and it pushes them harder towards their awful gaas direction.
It is unnecessary though. Every developer / studio can go through a rough patch and it's clear that's where they are now but even so they still made one of the most successful GaaS of the last decade.

We have people here acting like they are some amateur money sink studio not capable of making good games. They have the man power to make GaaS unlike pretty much anyone else under Playstation making one right now.

Naughty Dog should have never went the GaaS route to begin with. As history has proven with them, they simply cannot maintain their multiplayer games. Which is why they should stick to online lobby games.

And if Marathan becomes a success that benefits Playstation's bottom line and spills over to us gamers over time.
  • brain
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