You've said the best deal in gaming three times within a single post. Looks like you're really trying hard to convince yourself and you don't truly believe it yourself.
I love the Halo series..
But waiting around this long for features that should have been there for launch is a slap in the face for fans.
The state it was released (after a year delay) was quite the piss take.
Why are you unable to follow a conversation and instead move goalposts.
You originally started by saying Sony wouldn't honour contracts or release games on other consoles.
Sony + the MLB contract completely negates your point entirely.
Your original post was saying Sony wouldn't have honoured their commitments and stopped games being multiplatform.
As it has been proven with the MLB scenario, Sony are more than willing to go into a contractual agreement and dedicate one of their studios time and resources for the sake of MLB...
When it comes to certain users sadly the facts/truth of it doesn't matter when there is an opportunity to criticise a platform they aren't fond of.
Behaviour is bizarre to say the least.
Except the studio who designs and develops the game for multiple platforms being owned by Sony.
Also the IP is Sony.
Sounds like Sony is involved quite significantly.
DarkMage has a reputation of being a liar from NeoGaf and someone who doesn't argue in good faith. Not surprising that he has a shit take that makes no sense at all.
Memory is a bit hazy but they brought about Achievements didn't they?
Whether Achievements are derided or not on here for having a negative impact on gaming I don't really know but it is a pretty popular and common thing on the majority of platforms now.
Xbox Live, although not the first...
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