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  1. WoolleyGamer

    Playstation Insomniac are poised to define This Generation, and we are not ready!

    Now before the title of this Opinion Post makes you scream "Hold Up! What about FFXVI!?"; yes, FFXVI is looking to be an absolute banger and likely the strongest recieved Final Fantasy since FFX. But we are not here to gloat over the gorgeous visuals and gargantuan scale of that upcoming...
  2. WoolleyGamer

    Discussion Insomniac's Spiderman was made with a 25MB/s throughput limit 🤯

    Hey guys, last week on The Worldwide Company Of Gamers we had John Draisey, a relatively new but insanely clever talent in the game development sphere, sit down with us and talk about his upcoming game and more. Being a very learning centric listener and reader, he actually paid attention to...
  3. WoolleyGamer

    Discussion Imagine a game...

    OK... imagine a multiplayer game where all the intricately crafted arena maps you would normally lobby for individually, had a huge rumble mode where all maps are able to be instantly teleported to in under 2 seconds at random? (see Example of insane loading capabilities) That kind of...